Source code for pywasp.wasp.binned_wind_climate

"""Binned Wind Climate Module

Extends windkit Binned Wind Climate module to add a function for creating a weibull
distribution out of the binned wind climate using the WAsP method. It contains a much
faster fortran based binning routine that can be used for example in combination with
mesoscale model output, where speed is crucial.

It also contains functions for calculating stability information efficiently using
a binning algorithm which computes the conditional mean stability based on the wind
histogram in a single pass without storing the whole time series of wind speed.

import logging
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from scipy import interpolate

from windkit.binned_wind_climate import (
from windkit.time_series_wind_climate import ts_validate_wrapper, WS, WD, DIM_TIME
from windkit.sector import create_sector_coords, create_ws_bin_coords
from windkit.spatial import spatial_stack, spatial_unstack
from windkit.metadata import (

from ..core import Rvea0288, Rvea0326  # pylint:disable=no-name-in-module

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# fortran calls
_CREATE_HIST = Rvea0288.histograms.add_histogram_points
_CALC_TSCALE = Rvea0326.calc_points.tstar_points
_NORM_HIST = Rvea0288.histograms.normalize_histogram_points
_COND_HIST = Rvea0288.histograms.conditional_hist
_MEAN_HIST = Rvea0288.histograms.mean_from_hist
_STD_HIST = Rvea0288.histograms.std_from_hist
_RESAMPLE_HIST = Rvea0288.histograms.histogram_resample_sectors
_RESAMPLE_HIST_WSBINS = Rvea0288.histograms.histogram_resample_wsbins
_RESAMPLE_HIST_WSBINS_AK = Rvea0288.histograms.histogram_resample_wsbins_ak

# constants
RTD = 180 / np.pi

[docs] @ts_validate_wrapper def bwc_from_timeseries( ds, hist=None, normalize=True, revert_to_original=True, ws_bin_width=1, nwsbins=30, nsecs=12, ): """Add timeseries to histogram Converts a time series with wind speed & direction to derive summed histogram of the wind vector. .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- ds: xr.Dataset PyWAsP Timeseries dataset. Can have any of the pywasp spatial data structures hist: xr.Dataset, optional Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector containg a count Default is None, creating a histogram using ws_bin_width, nwsbins, and nsecs normalize: boolean Normalize histogram for each sector, storing the frequency per sector in "wdfreq" variable, Default True revert_to_original: boolean Return the histogram input in the same spatial struction as ds? If false, keeps the data is kept in stacked point, which is more efficient when doing large calculations for numerical wind atlases. ws_bin_width: float width of wind speed bins nwsbins: int Number of wind speed bins nsecs: int Number of sectors (wind direction bins) Returns ------- hist: xr.Dataset Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector with the values from ds-timeseries added. """ logger.debug( f"Convert time series ({ds[WS].sizes[DIM_TIME]} samples) into histogram" ) if hist is None: hist = _init_histogram_wind(ds, ws_bin_width, nwsbins, nsecs) dss = spatial_stack(ds, copy=False).transpose(..., DIM_TIME, "point") add = np.full(dss[WS].shape, 1.0, order="F", dtype=np.float32) if "point" not in hist.dims: hist = spatial_stack(hist, copy=False) hist = hist.transpose(..., "wsbin", "sector", "point") wv_count, count_bins_exceeded = _create_hist( dss[WS].fillna(-9999.0), dss[WD].fillna(-9999.0), 0, hist.wsbin, hist.sector, add, hist["wv_count"].values, hist["count_bins_exceeded"].values, ) nr_fails = count_bins_exceeded[count_bins_exceeded > 0].shape[0] if nr_fails > 0: logger.warning( f"""The wind speeds you provided exceeded the range used for binning ({np.max(hist.wsbin.values)}) in {nr_fails} points""" ) var_names = ("wv_count", "count_bins_exceeded") for name in var_names: hist[name] = (hist[name].dims, eval(name), _HIS_ATTRS[name]) update_var_attrs(hist[name], _HIS_ATTRS) hist[name].attrs["_pwio_data_is_2d"] = False dic_attrs = create_time_attributes(ds, hist=hist) hist = hist.assign_attrs(dic_attrs).drop_vars("point", errors="ignore") if normalize: hist = _normalize_hist(hist) if revert_to_original: hist = spatial_unstack(hist) hist = update_var_attrs(hist, _BWC_ATTRS) return update_history(hist)
def _create_hist(wspd, wdir, isuv, wsbin, wdsec, add, wv_count, count_bins_exceeded): """creating histogram from wind speed and wind dir Wrapper around fortran call that loops over all points and generates 2d histograms from wind speed and direction. If the wind speed or wind direction is outside of the range used for binning it adds 1 to `count_bins_exceeded` for each point Parameters ---------- wspd: array of float Array with wind speeds dimensions (`time`, `point`) wdir: array of float Array with meteorological wind direction dimensions (`time`, `point`) isuv: int {0,1} Are the input values wind speed / wind direction (0) or u / v (1)? wsbin: array of float center of wind speed bins used for creating histogram wdsec: array of float center of wind direction bins used for creating histogram add: array of float Array with values that will be added to histogram at each point wv_count: array of float Array with histogram with dimensions #wsbin, #wdsec, #point count_bins_exceeded: array of int Array with dimension point Returns ------- wv_count: array of float Array with histogram with dimensions #wsbin, #wdsec, #point count_bins_exceeded: array of int Array with dimension point """ _CREATE_HIST(wspd, wdir, isuv, wsbin, wdsec, add, wv_count, count_bins_exceeded) return (wv_count, count_bins_exceeded)
[docs] def calc_temp_scale(ds, revert_to_original=True, enhmix=1.0, use_humidity=False): """Calculate temperature scale This calculates a surface layer temperature scale that can be used to model the wind profile. Using the enhmix can be used to control mixing over land, because ERA5 has a large bias in $u_*$ over land. If you supply enhmix you will have to add a landmask because it is only applied over land. If use_humidity is true the humidity is used for calculating the air density. .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset containing variables ["PSFC", "T2", "UST", "HFX", "LH", "PBLH"] Can have any pywasp spatial structure revert_to_original: boolean Return the histogram input in original format from the input :class:`xarray.Dataset`? If false, keeps the data in stacked point format which is more efficient when doing large calculations for numerical wind atlases. enhmix : float Decrease mixing over land with this factor. If different from 1.0, requires a land mask variable "LANDMASK" since it is only applied over land. use_humidity: bool If True, use the humdity for calculating the air density. If true, requires variable "elevation" (for the terrain elevation) and "Q2" to be present on the dataset. By default False Returns ------- hist : xr.DataArray DataArray 'temp_scale' with same dimensions as input """ dss = spatial_stack(ds, copy=revert_to_original).transpose(..., DIM_TIME, "point") req_vars = ["PSFC", "T2", "UST", "HFX", "LH", "PBLH"] if enhmix != 1.0: req_vars = req_vars + ["LANDMASK"] if use_humidity: req_vars = req_vars + ["elevation", "Q2"] if "LANDMASK" not in req_vars: logger.debug("Adding dummy variable LANDMASK") # land mask not required in dataset, so we just create a dummy array dss["LANDMASK"] = xr.full_like(dss["point"], 0) if "Q2" not in req_vars: # humidity not required in dataset, so we just create a dummy array logger.debug("Adding dummy variables Q2 and elevation") dss["elevation"] = xr.full_like(dss["point"], 0) dss["Q2"] = xr.full_like(dss["UST"], 0) try: logger.debug("Calculating temperature scale") tstar = _CALC_TSCALE( dss["PSFC"], dss["T2"], dss["UST"], dss["HFX"], dss["LH"], dss["PBLH"], dss["elevation"], dss["Q2"], dss["LANDMASK"], enhmix, int(use_humidity), ) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"Required variable {e} not found in dataset!") dss["temp_scale"] = (dss.UST.dims, tstar) dss = dss[["temp_scale"]] update_var_attrs(dss, _TS_STAB_ATTRS) if revert_to_original: res = spatial_unstack(dss)["temp_scale"] else: res = dss["temp_scale"] return update_history(res)
[docs] def stability_histogram( ds, hist=None, finalize=True, revert_to_original=True, ws_bin_width=1, nwsbins=40, nsecs=12, percentile=0.5, wv_count=None, landmask=None, ): """Add timeseries to existing histogram Uses the stability parameters "temp_scale" and "ustar_over_pblh". See the paper "Using observed and modelled heat fluxes for improved extrapolation of wind distributions" for the definitions of these variables. The temp_scale variable is defined as $T_*$ in that paper, whereas the "ustar_over_pblh" should be defined as $u_*/pblh$ as input for this function. This is done to give priority to the smallest pblh that are most important for the wind profile. The output is reversed ($**-1$) to give the input format as required by WAsP ($pblh/u_*$). The time dimension is copied so that one can see what was the period that was used to generate the histogram. .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset Dataset containing variables ['wind_speed', 'wind_direction', 'temp_scale', 'ustar_over_pblh'] Can have any pywasp spatial structure hist : xarray.Dataset Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector finalize : boolean Convert the stabilility histogram into a mean and standard deviation? revert_to_original : boolean Return the histogram input in original format from the input ``ds``? If false, keeps the data in stacked point format which is more efficient when doing large calculations for numerical wind atlases. ws_bin_width : float width of wind speed bins nwsbins : int Number of wind speed bins nsecs : int Number of sectors (wind direction bins) kwargs : Other keyword arguments passed on to _finalize_meso Returns ------- hist : xarray.Dataset Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector with the values from ds-timeseries added. """ if hist is None: hist = _init_histogram_stab(ds, ws_bin_width, nwsbins, nsecs) ds_sub = ds[[WS, WD, "temp_scale", "ustar_over_pblh"]] dss = spatial_stack(ds_sub, copy=revert_to_original).transpose( ..., DIM_TIME, "point" ) hist = spatial_stack(hist, copy=revert_to_original).transpose( ..., "wsbin", "sector", "point" ) # error arrays are inout in fortran, so we must create copies # to not add the error counter 3 times ierr_sum_squared_temp_scale = hist["count_bins_exceeded"].copy().values ierr_sum_pblh = hist["count_bins_exceeded"].copy().values sum_temp_scale, count_bins_exceeded = _create_hist( dss[WS], dss[WD], 0, hist.wsbin, hist.sector, dss["temp_scale"], hist["sum_temp_scale"].values, hist["count_bins_exceeded"].values, ) sum_squared_temp_scale, count_bins_exceeded = _create_hist( dss[WS], dss[WD], 0, hist.wsbin, hist.sector, dss["temp_scale"] ** 2, hist["sum_squared_temp_scale"].values, ierr_sum_squared_temp_scale, ) sum_pblh, count_bins_exceeded = _create_hist( dss[WS], dss[WD], 0, hist.wsbin, hist.sector, dss["ustar_over_pblh"], hist["sum_pblh"].values, ierr_sum_pblh, ) var_names = ( "sum_temp_scale", "sum_squared_temp_scale", "sum_pblh", "count_bins_exceeded", ) for name in var_names: hist[name] = (hist[name].dims, eval(name)) update_var_attrs(hist[name], _HIS_STAB_ATTRS) hist[name].attrs["_pwio_data_is_2d"] = True dic_attrs = create_time_attributes(ds_sub, hist=hist) hist = hist.assign_attrs(dic_attrs) if finalize: if wv_count is None: wv_count = bwc_from_timeseries( dss, normalize=False, revert_to_original=False, ws_bin_width=ws_bin_width, nwsbins=nwsbins, nsecs=nsecs, ) else: wv_count = bwc_from_timeseries( dss, hist=wv_count, normalize=False, revert_to_original=False ) res = _finalize_meso( hist, wv_count["wv_count"], landmask, percentile=percentile ) return update_history(res) if revert_to_original: res = spatial_unstack(hist) return update_history(res) else: res = hist return update_history(res)
def _init_histogram_stab(ds, ws_bin_width=1, nws=40, nwd=12): """Initialize histogram Initialize histogram with the variables needed for a stability histogram. The dimensions of the spatial structure are the same as the input ds and extended with dimensions nws, nwd. Parameters ---------- ds: xr.Dataset Can have any of the pywasp spatial data structures var_dic: dict Dictonairy contain the variables that will be added to the xarray container, including meta-data according to the CF conventions wsbin: float width of wind speed bins wdsec: float width of wind direction bins nws: int Number of wind speed bins nwd: int Number of wind direction bins Returns ------- hist: xr.Dataset Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector """ hist = spatial_stack(ds, copy=False)[["point"]] var_names = ("sum_temp_scale", "sum_squared_temp_scale", "sum_pblh") for var in var_names: hist[var] = _init_histogram( ds, var, nwd=nwd, nws=nws, ws_bin_width=ws_bin_width ) hist["count_bins_exceeded"] = xr.zeros_like(hist["point"], dtype=np.int32) return hist def _init_histogram(ds, name, nwd=12, nws=None, ws_bin_width=None): """Initialize generic histogram Initialize histogram with the variables needed for a wind speed and wind direction dependent histogram. The dimensions of the spatial structure are the same as the input ds and extended with dimensions nws, nwd. Parameters ---------- ds: `xarray.Dataset` Can have any of the pywasp spatial data structures name: str Name of the `xarray.DataArray` that is created nwd: int Number of wind direction bins nws: int Number of wind speed bins ws_bin_width: float width of wind speed bins Returns ------- hist: xr.Dataset Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector """ all_dims = (spatial_stack(ds, copy=False)["point"],) all_dims = all_dims + (create_sector_coords(nwd),) if ws_bin_width is not None and nws is not None: all_dims = all_dims + (create_ws_bin_coords(bin_width=ws_bin_width, nws=nws),) template = xr.broadcast(*all_dims) # combined point, ws_bin, wd_bin array filled with zeroes hist = xr.zeros_like(template[0], dtype="float32") # make sure we copy auxilary coordinates from sector and wind speed bins for i in template[1:]: hist = hist.assign_coords(i.coords) = name try: update_var_attrs(hist, {**ALL_VARS_META}) except KeyError: logging.warning("No metadata could be added to the variable!") return hist def _init_histogram_wind(ds, ws_bin_width, nws, nwd): """Initialize histogram Initialize histogram with the variables needed for a wind vector count histogram. The dimensions of the spatial structure are the same as the input ds and extended with dimensions nws, nwd. Parameters ---------- ds: xr.Dataset Can have any of the pywasp spatial data structures ws_bin_width: float width of wind speed bins nws: int Number of wind speed bins nwd: int Number of wind direction bins Returns ------- hist: xr.Dataset Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector """ hist = spatial_stack(ds, copy=False)[["point"]] hist["wv_count"] = _init_histogram( ds, "wv_count", nwd=nwd, nws=nws, ws_bin_width=ws_bin_width ) hist["count_bins_exceeded"] = xr.zeros_like(hist["point"], dtype=np.int32) return hist def _stab_mean_std(hist, wv_count, percentile=0.5): """Compute mean or standard deviation from histogram Compute mean or standard deviation from histogram. The variables are binned by sector and wind speed bin and a mean or std. dev. is calulcated based on the highest percentile of wind speeds for each sector. Parameters ---------- hist: xr.Dataset Dataset with variables `sum_temp_scale`, `sum_squared_temp_scale` and `sum_pblh` and dimensions `wsbin`, `sector` Returns ------- clim: xr.Dataset Dataset with mean mesoclimate variables per sector """ hist["wv_count"] = wv_count hist = spatial_stack(hist, copy=False) cond_hist, freq = _COND_HIST(hist.sum_pblh, hist.wv_count, percentile) pblhmean = _MEAN_HIST(cond_hist, freq) cond_hist, freq = _COND_HIST(hist.sum_temp_scale, hist.wv_count, percentile) cond_hist2, freq = _COND_HIST( hist.sum_squared_temp_scale, hist.wv_count, percentile ) tstarstd = _STD_HIST(cond_hist, cond_hist2, freq) tstarmean = _MEAN_HIST(cond_hist, freq) clim = hist[["point", "sector"]] clim["mean_pblh_scale"] = (("sector", "point"), 1 / pblhmean) clim["rms_temp_scale"] = (("sector", "point"), tstarstd) clim["mean_temp_scale"] = (("sector", "point"), tstarmean) return spatial_unstack(clim) def create_histogram_z0( ds, hist=None, finalize=True, revert_to_original=True, ws_bin_width=1, nwsbins=40, nsecs=12, percentile=0.5, wv_count=None, landmask=None, ): """Add timeseries to existing histogram Uses the stability parameters to derive summed histogram of the surface layer temperature scale, squared surface layer temperature scale, boundary layer height and logarithm of roughness length. The time dimension is copied so that one can see what was the period that was used to generate the histogram. .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- ds: xr.Dataset Dataset containing variables ['wind_speed', 'wind_direction', 'LANDMASK', 'ZNT'] Can have any pywasp spatial structure hist: xr.Dataset Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector finalize: boolean Convert the stabilility histogram into a mean and standard deviation? revert_to_original: boolean Return the histogram input in original format from the input `ds`? If false, keeps the data in stacked point format which is more efficient when doing large calculations for numerical wind atlases. ws_bin_width: float width of wind speed bins nwsbins: int Number of wind speed bins nsecs: int Number of sectors (wind direction bins) kwargs: Other keyword arguments passed on to _finalize_meso Returns ------- hist: xr.Dataset Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector with the values from ds-timeseries added. """ if hist is None: hist = spatial_stack(ds, copy=False)[["point"]] hist["z0sum"] = _init_histogram( ds[["ZNT"]], "z0sum", nsecs, nwsbins, ws_bin_width ) hist["count_bins_exceeded"] = xr.zeros_like(hist["point"], dtype=np.int32) ds_sub = ds[[WS, WD, "ZNT"]] dss = spatial_stack(ds_sub, copy=False).transpose(..., DIM_TIME, "point") hist = spatial_stack(hist, copy=False).transpose(..., "wsbin", "sector", "point") z0sum, count_bins_exceeded = _create_hist( dss[WS], dss[WD], 0, hist.wsbin, hist.sector, np.log(dss["ZNT"]), hist["z0sum"].values, hist["count_bins_exceeded"].values, ) hist["z0sum"] = (("wsbin", "sector", "point"), z0sum) hist["count_bins_exceeded"] = (("point"), count_bins_exceeded) dic_attrs = create_time_attributes(ds_sub, hist=hist) hist = hist.assign_attrs(dic_attrs).drop_vars("point", errors="ignore") if finalize: if wv_count is None: wv_count = bwc_from_timeseries( dss, normalize=False, revert_to_original=False, ws_bin_width=ws_bin_width, nwsbins=nwsbins, nsecs=nsecs, ) else: wv_count = bwc_from_timeseries( dss, hist=wv_count, normalize=False, revert_to_original=False ) res = _z0_mean(hist, wv_count["wv_count"], landmask, percentile=percentile) return update_history(res) if revert_to_original: res = spatial_unstack(hist) return update_history(res) else: return update_history(hist) def _z0_mean(hist, wv_count, landmask, percentile=0.5): """Compute mean or standard deviation from histogram Compute mean or standard deviation from histogram. The variables are binned by sector and wind speed bin and a mean or std. dev. is calulcated based on the highest percentile of wind speeds for each sector. Parameters ---------- hist: xr.Dataset Dataset with variables `sum_temp_scale`, `sum_squared_temp_scale` and `sum_pblh` and dimensions `wsbin`, `sector` Returns ------- clim: xr.Dataset Dataset with mean mesoclimate variables per sector """ hist["wv_count"] = wv_count hist["landmask"] = landmask hist = spatial_stack(hist, copy=False) cond_hist, wd_count = _COND_HIST(hist["z0sum"], hist["wv_count"], percentile) z0mean = _MEAN_HIST(cond_hist, wd_count) hist["logz0sec"] = (("sector", "point"), z0mean) hist["wd_count"] = (("sector", "point"), wd_count) hist["mean_z0"] = mean_z0(hist) hist["mean_z0"] = xr.where(hist["landmask"] == 0, 0.0, hist["mean_z0"]) return spatial_unstack(hist) def mean_z0(hist): """Compute mean roughness Compute mean roughness from log(z0) per wsbin and sector .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- hist: xr.Dataset Dataset with variables `logz0sec` and `wd_count` and dimensions `wsbin`, `sector` Returns ------- ds: xr.DataArray Dataarray with mean z0 per sector """ mean_z0 = hist["logz0sec"] * hist["wd_count"] / hist["wd_count"].sum(dim=["sector"]) return np.exp(mean_z0.sum(dim=["sector"])) def _normalize_hist(hist_point): """Convert frequency to probability-density histogram Convert frequency to probability density histogram in the WAsP core structure, i.e. with an additional variables containing wind speed sector frequencies. Parameters ---------- hist: xr.Dataset Dataset with the frequency of occurence in each bin Returns ------- hist: xr.Dataset Binned wind climate with probability density in each bin """ wsfreq, wdfreq = _NORM_HIST(hist_point["wv_count"]) var_names = ("wsfreq", "wdfreq") var_dims = (("wsbin", "sector", "point"), ("sector", "point")) for name, dims in zip(var_names, var_dims): hist_point[name] = (dims, eval(name)) hist = hist_point.drop_vars(["wv_count", "count_bins_exceeded"], errors="ignore") return hist def _finalize_meso(total_stab_histogram, wv_count, landmask=None, percentile=0.5): """Finalize cumulative mesoscale climate Computes conditional mean mesoscale climate from cumulative histogram with mesoscale climate variables. The mean and standard deviation of heat flux are calculated based on the values occuring at the 50 percent highest wind speeds (percentile=0.5). These fields are calculated seperately over land and sea. Parameters ---------- total_stab_histogram: xr.Dataset Dataset with the sum of mesoscale variables wrf: xr.Dataset Dataset (e.g. `wrfout`) with the WRF variables `LANDMASK`, `HGT`, `LU_INDEX`, `COSALPHA`, `SINALPHA` Returns ------- ds: xr.Dataset Dataset with mean or standard deviation of the histograms """ hist = _stab_mean_std(total_stab_histogram, wv_count, percentile=percentile) if landmask is not None: hist = _nearest_landsea(hist, landmask) update_var_attrs(hist, _MEAN_STAB_ATTRS) return hist def _nearest_landsea(ds, landmask): """Calculate mean values over sea and land To use stability setting over land and sea seperately we calculate two fields from one: the land and sea fields are generated using Scipy's nearest neighbour interpolation Parameters ---------- ds: xr.Dataset Dataset with the variables given in `ori_vars` Returns ------- ds: xr.Dataset Dataset with the variables given in `new_vars` """ ori_vars = [ "mean_temp_scale", "rms_temp_scale", "mean_pblh_scale", "mean_temp_scale", "rms_temp_scale", "mean_pblh_scale", ] new_vars = [ "mean_temp_scale_land", "rms_temp_scale_land", "mean_pblh_scale_land", "mean_temp_scale_sea", "rms_temp_scale_sea", "mean_pblh_scale_sea", ] for var, ori_var in zip(new_vars, ori_vars): list_secs = [] for sec in ds.sector.values: # era5 has a fraction for the landmask, if the ratio # land sea is larger than 0.5 we consider it land if "_land" in var: landflag = 1 else: landflag = 0 tarr = ( ds[ori_var] .squeeze() .sel(sector=sec) .where(np.round(landmask) == landflag) ) array = xx, yy = np.meshgrid(ds.west_east.values, ds.south_north.values) x1 = xx[~array.mask] y1 = yy[~array.mask] newarr = array[~array.mask] GD1 = interpolate.griddata( (x1, y1), newarr.ravel(), (xx, yy), method="nearest" ) list_secs.append(GD1) ds[var] = (("sector", "south_north", "west_east"), list_secs) return ds[new_vars] def _init_histogram_baro(ds, ws_bin_width=1, nws=40, nwd=12): """Initialize histogram Initialize histogram with the variables needed for a stability histogram. The dimensions of the spatial structure are the same as the input ds and extended with dimensions nws, nwd. Parameters ---------- ds: xr.Dataset Can have any of the pywasp spatial data structures var_dic: dict Dictonairy contain the variables that will be added to the xarray container, including meta-data according to the CF conventions wsbin: float width of wind speed bins wdsec: float width of wind direction bins nws: int Number of wind speed bins nwd: int Number of wind direction bins Returns ------- hist: xr.Dataset Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector """ bin_centers_ws = create_ws_bin_coords(bin_width=ws_bin_width, nws=nws) bin_centers_wd = create_sector_coords(nwd) hist = spatial_stack(ds, copy=False)[["point"]] stabdim = hist.sizes["point"] sum_dugdz = np.zeros((nws, nwd, stabdim), order="F", dtype=np.float32) sum_dvgdz = np.zeros((nws, nwd, stabdim), order="F", dtype=np.float32) count_bins_exceeded = np.zeros(stabdim, order="F", dtype=np.int32) hist = hist.assign_coords({**bin_centers_wd.coords, **bin_centers_ws.coords}) var_names = ( "sum_dugdz", "sum_dvgdz", "count_bins_exceeded", ) var_dims = (("wsbin", "sector", "point"),) * 2 + ("point",) for name, dims in zip(var_names, var_dims): hist[name] = (dims, eval(name), _HIS_BARO_ATTRS[name]) return hist def _finalize_baro(hist, percentile=0.5): """Compute mean or standard deviation from histogram Compute mean or standard deviation from histogram. The variables are binned by sector and wind speed bin and a mean or std. dev. is calulcated based on the highest percentile of wind speeds for each sector. Parameters ---------- hist: xr.Dataset Dataset with variables `tstarsum`, `tstar2sum` and `pblhsum` and dimensions `wsbin`, `sector` Returns ------- clim: xr.Dataset Dataset with mean mesoclimate variables per sector """ hist = spatial_stack(hist, copy=False) cond_hist, freq = _COND_HIST(hist["sum_dugdz"], hist["wv_count"], percentile) mean_dugdz = _MEAN_HIST(cond_hist, freq) cond_hist, freq = _COND_HIST(hist["sum_dvgdz"], hist["wv_count"], percentile) mean_dvgdz = _MEAN_HIST(cond_hist, freq) clim = hist[["point", "sector"]] clim["mean_dgdz_dir_north"] = ( ("sector", "point"), np.arctan2(-mean_dvgdz, -mean_dugdz) * RTD, ) clim["mean_dgdz_dir_south"] = ( ("sector", "point"), np.arctan2(mean_dvgdz, mean_dugdz) * RTD, ) clim["mean_dgdz_dir"] = xr.where( clim["south_north"] < 0, clim["mean_dgdz_dir_south"], clim["mean_dgdz_dir_north"], ) clim["mean_dgdz"] = ( ("sector", "point"), np.sqrt(mean_dugdz**2 + mean_dvgdz**2), ) out = spatial_unstack( clim.drop_vars(["mean_dgdz_dir_north", "mean_dgdz_dir_south"]) ) update_var_attrs(out, _MEAN_BARO_ATTRS) return out def baroclinicity_histogram( ds, hist=None, finalize=True, revert_to_original=True, **kw ): """Add timeseries to existing histogram Uses the baroclinicity parameters to derive summed histogram of the geostrophic shear components. .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- ds: xr.Dataset Dataset containing variables ['wind_speed', 'wind_direction', 'PSFC', 'T2', 'UST', 'HFX', 'LH', 'PBLH', 'LANDMASK', 'ZNT'] Can have any pywasp spatial structure hist: xr.Dataset Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector finalize: boolean Convert the stabilility histogram into a mean and standard deviation? revert_to_original: boolean Return the histogram input in original format from the input `ds`? If false, keeps the data in stacked point format which is more efficient when doing large calculations for numerical wind atlases. **kwargs Arbitrary keyword arguments passed on to initialization of histogram Returns ------- hist: xr.Dataset Histogram with dimensions point, wsbin, sector with the values from ds-timeseries added. """ if hist is None: hist = _init_histogram_baro(ds, **kw) ds_sub = ds[[WS, WD, "dugdz", "dvgdz"]] dss = spatial_stack(ds_sub, copy=False).transpose(..., DIM_TIME, "point") add = np.full(dss[WS].shape, 1.0, order="F", dtype=np.float32) hist = spatial_stack(hist, copy=False).transpose(..., "wsbin", "sector", "point") # error arrays are inout in fortran, so we must create copies # to not add the error counter 2 times ierr_sum_dvgdz = hist["count_bins_exceeded"].copy().values sum_dugdz, count_bins_exceeded = _create_hist( dss[WS], dss[WD], 0, hist.wsbin, hist.sector, dss["dugdz"], hist["sum_dugdz"].values, hist["count_bins_exceeded"].values, ) sum_dvgdz, count_bins_exceeded = _create_hist( dss[WS], dss[WD], 0, hist.wsbin, hist.sector, dss["dvgdz"], hist["sum_dvgdz"].values, ierr_sum_dvgdz, ) var_names = ( "sum_dugdz", "sum_dvgdz", "count_bins_exceeded", ) for name in var_names: hist[name] = (hist[name].dims, eval(name)) update_var_attrs(hist[name], _HIS_BARO_ATTRS) hist[name].attrs["_pwio_data_is_2d"] = False dic_attrs = create_time_attributes(ds_sub, hist=hist) hist = hist.assign_attrs(dic_attrs) if finalize: return _finalize_baro(hist) if revert_to_original: return spatial_unstack(hist) else: return hist
[docs] @bwc_validate_wrapper def bwc_resample_like(source, target): """ Resamples a histogram to different sector or wind speed bin structure. Parameters ---------- source: xarray.Dataset Binned wind climate xr.Dataset object that we want to resample target: xarray.Dataset Binned wind climate xr.Dataset object structure that we want to resample to Returns ------- xarray.Dataset Binned Wind Climate """ result = bwc_resample_sectors(source, target.sizes["sector"]) result = bwc_resample_wsbins_like(result, target) return result
[docs] @bwc_validate_wrapper def bwc_resample_sectors(source, n_sectors=12): """ Resamples a histogram to different sector structure. Parameters ---------- source: xarray.Dataset Binned wind climate xr.Dataset object that we want to resample target: xarray.Dataset Binned wind climate xr.Dataset object structure that we want to resample to Returns ------- xarray.Dataset Binned Wind Climate TODO: make sure we can also resample binned wind climates that have their first bin not centered at the north. This can be easily achieved by using the doff argument in the fortran routine _RESAMPLE_HIST, which will rotate the histogram with a specified angle. """ if source.sizes["sector"] == n_sectors: return source source = spatial_stack(source) def _resample(wv_freq, n_sectors): return _RESAMPLE_HIST(wv_freq, 0.0, n_sectors) wv_freq = xr.apply_ufunc( _resample, (source.wsfreq * source.wdfreq).transpose(..., "wsbin", "sector"), input_core_dims=[["wsbin", "sector"]], output_core_dims=[["wsbin", "sector"]], exclude_dims={"sector"}, dask="allowed", vectorize=True, kwargs={"n_sectors": n_sectors}, keep_attrs=True, ) wdcenters = create_sector_coords(n_sectors) wv_freq = wv_freq.assign_coords({**wdcenters.coords}) source = bwc_from_counts(wv_freq) # Update metadata source.attrs["title"] = "Binned wind climate" res = spatial_unstack(source) return update_history(res)
[docs] @bwc_validate_wrapper def bwc_resample_wsbins_like(source, target, fit_weibull=True, errors="raise"): """ Resamples a histogram to different wind speed bin structure. Parameters ---------- source: xarray.Dataset Binned wind climate xr.Dataset object that we want to resample target: xarray.Dataset Binned wind climate xr.Dataset object structure that we want to resample to fit_weibull: boolean, optional Default True, when resampling the histogram find the sectorwise A and k and use these to resample the histogram. If false, use the A and k provided in the dataset instead. errors: {'raise', 'ignore'}, optional If 'raise' (default), raises a ValueError error if probability mass is transfered beyond the highest wind speed bin. If "ignore", all points including those that lose probability mass are returned. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset Binned Wind Climate """ # we reset coordinates with drop=True to make sure there is no user added coordinates that cause the dataarrays to be different if ( not source["sector"] .reset_coords(drop=True) .equals(target["sector"].reset_coords(drop=True)) ): raise ValueError( "Input and target histogram must have the same sector structure!" ) # source and target wsbin structure are the same, so no resampling needed same_wsbins = ( source["wsbin"] .reset_coords(drop=True) .equals(target["wsbin"].reset_coords(drop=True)) ) if same_wsbins and fit_weibull: return source source = spatial_stack(source).transpose(..., "wsbin", "sector") target = spatial_stack(target).transpose(..., "wsbin", "sector") if not fit_weibull: if not all(v in target.data_vars for v in ["A", "k"]): raise ValueError( "Variables A and k are needed for resampling when fit_weibull is set to False" ) if fit_weibull: wsfreq, ierror = xr.apply_ufunc( _RESAMPLE_HIST_WSBINS, source.wsfreq, source.wsceil, target.wsceil, target.wsfloor, input_core_dims=[["wsbin", "sector"], *[["wsbin"]] * 3], output_core_dims=[["wsbin", "sector"], ["sector"]], exclude_dims={"wsbin"}, dask="allowed", vectorize=True, keep_attrs=True, ) else: wsfreq, ierror = xr.apply_ufunc( _RESAMPLE_HIST_WSBINS_AK, source.wsfreq, source.wsceil, target.A, target.k, target.wsceil, target.wsfloor, input_core_dims=[ ["wsbin", "sector"], ["wsbin"], *[["sector"]] * 2, *[["wsbin"]] * 2, ], output_core_dims=[["wsbin", "sector"], ["sector"]], exclude_dims={"wsbin"}, dask="allowed", vectorize=True, keep_attrs=True, ) if ierror.sum() > 0 and errors == "raise": i_points = [i for i, v in enumerate(ierror) if v > 0] str_points = ",".join(map(str, i_points)) raise ValueError( f"Resampling of the wsbins in {len(i_points)} out of {source.sizes['point']} points (i={str_points}) exceeded the number of target bins!" ) result, _ = xr.broadcast(source[["point", "sector"]], target[["wsbin"]]) result = result.drop_vars("point", errors="ignore") result["wsfreq"] = wsfreq result["wdfreq"] = source["wdfreq"] result.coords["wsceil"] = target["wsceil"].reset_coords(drop=True) result.coords["wsfloor"] = target["wsfloor"].reset_coords(drop=True) res = spatial_unstack(result) return update_history(res)