.. _quick_overview: ============== Quick Overview ============== Here is a quick overview of PyWAsP. To begin with, lets import ``pywasp``, ``windkit``. We will use ``pathlib.Path`` to point to the data location. .. ipython:: python from pathlib import Path import pywasp as pw import windkit as wk path = Path("../modules/examples/tutorial_4/data") Read in a observed wind climate =============================== You can use ``windkit`` to open a WAsP ``.omwc`` file, which is a binned observed wind climate file, and reproject it to UTM32 coordinates .. ipython:: python bwc = wk.read_bwc(path / "SerraSantaLuzia.omwc", crs="EPSG:4326") bwc = wk.spatial.reproject(bwc, to_crs="EPSG:32629") print(bwc) Read in topography data =============================== Secondly, let's also read in some elevation and landcover data and combine it into a :py:class:`pywasp.wasp.TopographyMap` .. ipython:: python elev_map = wk.read_vector_map(path / "SerraSantaLuzia.map", crs="EPSG:32629", map_type="elevation") lc_map, lc_tbl = wk.read_vector_map(path / "SerraSantaLuzia.map", crs="EPSG:32629", map_type="roughness") topo_map = pw.wasp.TopographyMap(elev_map, lc_map, lc_tbl) Calculate Generalized Wind climate ================================== A observed wind climate can be generalized with WAsP, using the `pywasp.wasp.generalize` function .. ipython:: python gwc = pw.wasp.generalize(bwc, topo_map) print(gwc) Downscale to wind turbine locations =================================== The generalized wind climate can be used with the topography data to predict the wind climate at nearby locations, like the hub-height of planned wind turbines .. ipython:: python import pandas as pd wtg_locs = pd.read_csv(path / 'turbine_positions.csv') output_locs = wk.create_dataset(wtg_locs.Easting.values, wtg_locs.Northing.values, wtg_locs['Hub height'].values, crs="EPSG:32629") pwc = pw.wasp.downscale(gwc, topo_map, output_locs=output_locs, genwc_interp="nearest") print(pwc) Estimate the gross AEP ====================== The predicted wind climates can be used to estimate the Annual Energy Production in GWh for a specific turbine model .. ipython:: python wtg = wk.read_wtg(path / "Bonus_1_MW.wtg") gross_aep = pw.wasp.gross_aep(pwc, wtg) print(gross_aep) In the :ref:`user_guide` we go into more much greater detail with each component in PyWAsP.