.. _pywasp: PyWAsP ====== Pywasp provides a Python based API for running the various models included in the WAsP and WAsP Engineering (WEng) programs. In addition to the API, several examples have been developed to show users how to use the various WAsP routines for scientific studies. The goal of the API is to provide an easy to script interface to additional tools, and to provide an interface to performing Monte Carlo and other large scale sensitivity studies. read more in :ref:`getting_started` .. figure:: _static/speedups_animation.gif :align: center PyWAsP makes in easy to estimate terrain effects on the flow and generate maps like the directional speed-ups shown in this figure for a complex site on the Portuguese coast. For reference, the small sub-figures on the right (c-d) shows a sattelite picture, the elevation, and the surface roughness for the site. .. toctree:: :caption: Documentation :maxdepth: 2 getting_started/getting_started user_guide/user_guide auto_examples/index tutorials/tutorials api_reference/api_reference release_notes development_roadmap pywasp_forum order_pywasp .. bibliography:: WAsP.bib :cited: :style: plain Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex`