Source code for windkit.ltc.mcp

# (c) 2023 DTU Wind Energy
Measure-Correlate-Predict MCP Module.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..wind import wd_to_sector
from ._validation import assert_timesteps_equal, assert_valid_values, ltc_validate
from .regression import LinearRegression, VarianceRatioLinearRegression

[docs] class MCPBase(object): """ Sectorwise Regressor base-class used as a blueprint for sectorwise MCP methods based on regression models. Parameters ---------- n_sectors : int Number of sectors to fit independant regression models to. Default is 12 sectors. quantiles : bool Whether to use a equal probability sectors or constant sector widths. Default is to use constant sector widths. """ def _wd_to_sector(self, wd, sectors=12, quantiles=False): """ function from loteco wd : numpy.ndarray """ if isinstance(sectors, np.ndarray): if sectors[0] < 0.0: n_sectors = len(sectors) - 1 sec, sector_coords, _ = wd_to_sector( wd, bins=n_sectors, quantiles=False ) edg = np.union1d(sector_coords.sector_floor, sector_coords.sector_ceil) return sec, edg else: return np.digitize(wd, sectors) - 1, sectors elif isinstance(sectors, int): sec, sector_coords, _ = wd_to_sector(wd, bins=sectors, quantiles=quantiles) edg = np.union1d(sector_coords.sector_floor, sector_coords.sector_ceil) return sec, edg
[docs] def __init__(self, n_sectors=12, quantiles=False): self.n_sectors = n_sectors self.quantiles = quantiles self.sector_edges = None
[docs] def wd_to_sector(self, wd, recalc_sectors=False): """ Convert wind direction to sectors using the object n_sectors and constant_sector_width values Parameters ---------- wd : array, float, shape (n_samples,) Wind directions. Returns ------- sector : array, int, shape (n_samples, ) Wind direction sector indicies. """ if (not recalc_sectors) and (self.sector_edges is not None): sector, sector_edges = self._wd_to_sector(wd, sectors=self.sector_edges) else: sector, sector_edges = self._wd_to_sector( wd, sectors=self.n_sectors, quantiles=self.quantiles ) self.sector_edges = sector_edges return sector
[docs] class MCPRegressor(MCPBase): """ Sectorwise Regressor base-class used as a blueprint for sectorwise MCP methods based on regression models. Parameters ---------- ws_cutoff : float model_kws : dict kwargs to input when the model is instanciated. Attributes ---------- model: what model to use in each sector models : list, shape (n_sectors,) one instanciated model per sector """ model = None
[docs] def __init__(self, ws_cutoff=0.0, model_kws={}, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ws_cutoff = ws_cutoff self.model_kws = model_kws self.models_ = [self.model(**model_kws) for i_sec in range(self.n_sectors)]
[docs] @ltc_validate(num_args=2) def fit(self, ds_ref, ds_tgt, **kwargs): """ Fit the reference data to the target data by looping through the sectors and fitting the model to the data for that sector. Parameters ---------- ds_ref: xarray.Dataset Windkit time series wind climate dataset with wind speed and wind direction for the reference data. ds_tgt: xarray.Dataset Windkit time series wind climate dataset with wind speed and wind direction for the reference data. Returns ------- self : returns an instance of self. """ # check valid values assert_valid_values(ds_ref) assert_valid_values(ds_tgt) assert_timesteps_equal(ds_ref, ds_tgt) sector_ref = self.wd_to_sector( ds_ref.wind_direction.values.flatten(), recalc_sectors=True ) for i_sec in range(self.n_sectors): x = ds_ref.wind_speed.values.flatten() y = ds_tgt.wind_speed.values.flatten() mask_sec = sector_ref == i_sec x = x[mask_sec] y = y[mask_sec] mask_na = np.isnan(x) | np.isnan(y) x = x[~mask_na] y = y[~mask_na] mask_ws = x < self.ws_cutoff x = x[~mask_ws] y = y[~mask_ws] X = x[:, np.newaxis] self.models_[i_sec].fit(X, y) return self
[docs] @ltc_validate(num_args=1) def predict(self, ds_ref, **kwargs): """ Predict the wind speed and direction from the reference data by looping through the sectors and predicting with the model for that sector. Parameters ---------- ds_ref: xarray.Dataset Time series wind climate dataset Returns ------- ds_pred : xarray.Dataset Predicted wind speeds and directions """ assert_valid_values(ds_ref) ws_pred = np.empty_like(ds_ref.wind_speed.values.flatten(), dtype=np.float64) ds_pred = ds_ref.copy() sector_ref = self.wd_to_sector( ds_ref.wind_direction.values.flatten(), recalc_sectors=False ) for i_sec in range(self.n_sectors): x = ds_ref.wind_speed.values.flatten() mask_sec = sector_ref == i_sec mask_na = np.isnan(x) mask = (mask_sec) & (~mask_na) X = x[mask, np.newaxis] ws_pred[mask] = self.models_[i_sec].predict(X) ds_pred["wind_speed"].values = ws_pred.reshape(ds_pred.wind_speed.shape) return ds_pred
[docs] class LinRegMCP(MCPRegressor): """ Sectorwise MCP using Scipy's linear regression. Parameters ---------- n_sectors : int Number of sectors to fit independant regression models to. Default is 12 sectors. quantiles : bool Whether to use a constant sector width or use quantiles. Default is True. ws_cutoff : float model_kws : dict kwargs to input when the model is instanciated. Attributes ---------- model: what model to use in each sector models : list, shape (n_sectors,) one instanciated model per sector """ model = LinearRegression
[docs] def __init__(self, ws_cutoff=3.0, **kwargs): super().__init__(ws_cutoff=ws_cutoff, **kwargs)
[docs] class VarRatMCP(MCPRegressor): """ Sectorwise MCP using variance ratio linear regression. Parameters ---------- n_sectors : int Number of sectors to fit independant regression models to. Default is 12 sectors. quantiles : bool Whether to use a constant sector width or use quantiles. Default is True. ws_cutoff : float model_kws : dict kwargs to input when the model is instanciated. Attributes ---------- model: what model to use in each sector models : list, shape (n_sectors,) one instanciated model per sector """ model = VarianceRatioLinearRegression
[docs] def __init__(self, fit_intercept=True, ws_cutoff=0.0, **kwargs): model_kws = {"fit_intercept": fit_intercept} super().__init__(model_kws=model_kws, ws_cutoff=ws_cutoff, **kwargs)