Source code for windkit.plot.time_series

# (c) 2022 DTU Wind Energy
Wind speed time-series plotting including wind speed and wind direction

# Check time series with range slider for subplots

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from ._helpers import (

    import as px
    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

def _missing_data(ds):
    Identifies if the data has gaps and returns a new xarray.Dataset or
    xarray.DataArray with the mising values added equal to NaN.
    t_to_round = ds.time.values + np.timedelta64(500, "ms")
    ds = ds.assign_coords({"time": t_to_round.astype(dtype="datetime64[m]")})
    if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset):
        if True in np.isnan(ds.to_array().data):  # there's already nan values in data
            ds_new = ds.expand_dims({"time_2": len(ds.time.values)})
            ds_new = ds_new.assign_coords({"time_2": ("time_2", ds.time.values)})

            ds_new["wind_speed_2"] = (("time_2"), ds.wind_speed.values)
            ds_new["wind_direction_2"] = (("time_2"), ds.wind_direction.values)
            ds_new = ds_new.drop_vars("time")
            ds_new = ds_new.drop_vars("wind_speed")
            ds_new = ds_new.drop_vars("wind_direction")
            time_complete = np.array(
                pd.date_range(ds.time[0].values, ds.time[-1].values, freq="10min")
            ws_complete = np.empty(len(time_complete))
            wd_complete = np.empty(len(time_complete))
            ws_complete[:] = np.nan
            wd_complete[:] = np.nan
            check = np.isin(time_complete, ds.time)
            indxs = np.where(check == True)[0]
            np.put(ws_complete, indxs, ds.wind_speed.values)
            np.put(wd_complete, indxs, ds.wind_direction.values)

            ds_new = ds.expand_dims({"time_2": len(time_complete)})
            ds_new = ds_new.assign_coords({"time_2": ("time_2", time_complete)})

            ds_new["wind_speed_2"] = (("time_2"), ws_complete)
            ds_new["wind_direction_2"] = (("time_2"), wd_complete)
            ds_new = ds_new.drop_vars("time")
            ds_new = ds_new.drop_vars("wind_speed")
            ds_new = ds_new.drop_vars("wind_direction")

    if isinstance(ds, xr.DataArray):
        if True in np.isnan(  # there's already nan values in data
            data_complete =
            time_complete = ds.time.values.copy()
            ds_new_1 = xr.DataArray(
                coords={"time_2": ("time_2", time_complete)},
            time_complete = np.array(
                pd.date_range(ds.time[0].values, ds.time[-1].values, freq="10min")
            data_complete = np.empty(len(time_complete))
            data_complete[:] = np.nan
            check = np.isin(time_complete, ds.time)
            indxs = np.where(check == True)[0]
            np.put(data_complete, indxs, ds.values)
            ds_new_1 = xr.DataArray(
                coords={"time_2": ("time_2", time_complete)},
        ds_new = ds_new_1.rename( + "_2")

    return ds_new

def _mark_gaps(da, fig, row, col):
    Marks the beggining and ending of regions without data with an hourglass
    # Need for the indexes where there's change from having to not having data
    aux_array =
    aux_array[~np.isnan(aux_array)] = 1  # non nan values to 1
    aux_array[np.isnan(aux_array)] = 0  # nan values to 0

    # Take indexes where changes happen
    change_indexes_1 = np.where(np.roll(aux_array, 1) != aux_array)[0]
    change_indexes_2 = np.where(np.roll(aux_array, -1) != aux_array)[0]
    change_indexes = np.sort(
                change_indexes_2[~np.isin(change_indexes_2, change_indexes_1)],
    # Adding a scatter plot with the marks
            marker=dict(symbol="hourglass", color="red"),
    return fig

[docs] def time_series(ds, range_slider=True, time_range=None, mark_data_gaps=False): """Create time series plot The time series plot can be displayed for both a xarray.Dataset o xarray.DataAarray input argument. When the input is a Dataset, plots both the wind direction and wind speed time series. If the input is a DataAarray plot the its data variable. For both cases the gaps of data are identified in the time series. Parameters ---------- ds : either a xarray.Dataset or a xarray.DataArray xarray.Dataset representing the wind direction and wind speed time series. xarray.DataArray representing a data variable time series. range_slider : bool, optional Include range slider? Default: with range slider time_range : list of two values [start, end] that can convert to numpy.datetime64 The time series is directly shown in the defined interval. e.g: ``time_range=['2015-12-27', '2016-01-12']`` will display the timeseries for this time interval. NOTE: all data is still plotted, only the initial view to the data is changed. Default shows the full data range mark_data_gaps : bool, optional Mark beggining and ending of regions with data gaps in the time series? NOTE: Mark data gaps increases a bit the plotting time (1 to 3 sec). Default: without marks Returns ------- plotly.graph_objects.Figure Plotly figure for display, additional modification, or output """ requires_plotly() check_multipoint(ds) dss = ds.squeeze() dsss = _missing_data(dss) dff = dsss.to_dataframe().reset_index() if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): # here we plot 2 subplots with wd and ws fig_subplots = make_subplots( shared_xaxes=True, rows=2, cols=1, ) xaxes_title = check_plotting_attrs(dss["time"]) yaxes_title_wd = check_plotting_attrs(dss["wind_direction"]) yaxes_title_ws = check_plotting_attrs(dss["wind_speed"]) fig_ws = px.line( dff, x="time_2", y="wind_speed_2", custom_data=["wind_direction_2", "wind_speed_2"], ) fig_wd = px.line( dff, x="time_2", y="wind_direction_2", custom_data=["wind_direction_2", "wind_speed_2"], ) hovertemplate = ( yaxes_title_ws + ": %{customdata[1]:.2f}<br>" + yaxes_title_wd + ": %{customdata[0]:.2f}" ) for traces in fig_ws["data"]: fig_subplots.add_trace(traces, row=1, col=1) for traces in fig_wd["data"]: fig_subplots.add_trace(traces, row=2, col=1) fig_subplots.update_yaxes(title_text=yaxes_title_ws, row=1, col=1) fig_subplots.update_yaxes(title_text=yaxes_title_wd, row=2, col=1) fig_subplots.update_xaxes( title_text=xaxes_title, rangeslider={"visible": range_slider, "thickness": 0.05}, type="date", row=2, col=1, ) fig_subplots.update_traces( hovertemplate=hovertemplate, connectgaps=False, row=1, col=1 ) fig_subplots.update_traces( hovertemplate=hovertemplate, connectgaps=False, row=2, col=1 ) fig = fig_subplots.update_layout(hovermode="x unified", xaxis_range=time_range) fig.update_traces(connectgaps=False) if mark_data_gaps: fig = _mark_gaps(dsss["wind_direction_2"], fig, row=2, col=1) fig = _mark_gaps(dsss["wind_speed_2"], fig, row=1, col=1) elif isinstance(ds, xr.DataArray): # here we plot 1 plot with the dataArray xaxes_title = check_plotting_attrs(dss["time"]) yaxes_title = check_plotting_attrs(dss) fig = px.line(dff, x="time_2", + "_2", custom_data=[ + "_2"]) hovertemplate = yaxes_title + ": %{customdata[0]:.2f}" fig.update_yaxes(title_text=yaxes_title) fig.update_xaxes( title_text=xaxes_title, rangeslider={"visible": range_slider, "thickness": 0.05}, type="date", ) fig.update_traces(hovertemplate=hovertemplate, connectgaps=False) fig.update_layout(hovermode="x unified", xaxis_range=time_range) if mark_data_gaps: fig = _mark_gaps(dsss, fig, row=None, col=None) return fig