Source code for windkit.spatial._bbox

# (c) 2022 DTU Wind Energy
WindKit Bounding Box.

This is an object that represents the extent of a GIS object in its native

It is currently used for clipping raster Datasets and RasterMaps

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pyproj
from shapely.geometry import LinearRing, Polygon
from shapely.ops import transform

from windkit.geospatial_imports import requires_geopandas

from ..metadata import update_history

[docs] class BBox: """WindKit Bounding Box WindKit Bounding boxes are defined by the center coordinates of the grid rather than the corner coordinates like in GDAL. Parameters ---------- ring : shapely.geometry.LinearRing Square ring that envelopes the boundaries of the data crs : int, dict, str or Value to initialize `` """
[docs] def __init__(self, ring, crs): if not isinstance(ring, LinearRing): raise TypeError("ring must be a shapely.geometry.LinearRing") self.ring = ring = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(crs)
def __str__(self): # pragma:no cover str_fmt bnds = self.bounds() return ( f"Bounds: ({bnds[0]}, {bnds[1]}) ({bnds[2]}, {bnds[3]})\n" + f"CRS: {}" ) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def __geo_interface__(self): """Return GeoJSON representation of BBox as Polygon geometry""" return self.polygon.__geo_interface__
[docs] def bounds(self): """Return bounds of bounding box.""" return self.ring.bounds
@property def polygon(self): """Return polygon of bounding box.""" return Polygon(self.ring.coords)
[docs] @classmethod def utm_bbox_from_geographic_coordinate( cls, longitude, latitude, buffer=10000.0, datum_name="WGS 84" ): """Create a bounding box object in UTM coordinates from a geographic coordinate and a buffer distance The UTM zome will be estimated from the longitude coordinate. Parameters ---------- longitude : float longitude coordinate of the point latitude : float latitude coordinate of the point buffer : float buffer distance in meters datum_name : str Name of the datum to use for the UTM zone estimation. Defaults to "WGS 84". Returns ------- BBox A BBox object """ gpd = requires_geopandas() pt = gpd.points_from_xy( np.asarray([longitude]), np.asarray([latitude]), crs="epsg:4326" ) crs_utm = pt.estimate_utm_crs(datum_name=datum_name) if crs_utm is None: raise ValueError("UTM CRS not found") transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs("epsg:4326", crs_utm, always_xy=True) x, y = transformer.transform(longitude, latitude) return cls.from_cornerpts( minx=x - buffer, miny=y - buffer, maxx=x + buffer, maxy=y + buffer, crs=crs_utm, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_point_and_buffer(cls, x, y, buffer, crs="epsg:4326"): """Create a bounding box object from a point and buffer Parameters ---------- x : float west_east coordinate of the point y : float south_north coordinate of the point buffer : float buffer distance in meters crs : int, dict, str or Value to initialize `` Defaults to "epsg:4326". Returns ------- BBox A BBox object """ crs = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(crs) return cls.from_cornerpts( minx=x - buffer, miny=y - buffer, maxx=x + buffer, maxy=y + buffer, crs=crs, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_cornerpts( cls, minx=0.0, miny=0.0, maxx=1000.0, maxy=1000.0, crs="epsg:32632" ): # pylint:disable=too-many-arguments """Create a bounding box object from min and max values Parameters ---------- minx : float Minimum values of the east-west direction. Defaults to 0.0. maxx : float Maximum values of the east-west direction. Defaults to 1000.0. miny : float Minimum values of the south-north direction. Defaults to 0.0. maxy : float Maximum values of the south-north direction. Defaults to 1000.0. crs : int, dict, str or Value to initialize `` Defaults to "epsg:32632". Returns ------- BBox A bounding box of the requested coordinates. """ if minx >= maxx: raise ValueError(f"minx: {minx} is larger than maxx: {maxx}") if miny >= maxy: raise ValueError(f"miny: {miny} is larger than maxy: {maxy}") ring = LinearRing(((minx, miny), (maxx, miny), (maxx, maxy), (minx, maxy))) return cls(ring, crs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_bounds(cls, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, *, crs="epsg:4326"): """ Create a bounding box object from min and max values Parameters ---------- minx : float Minimum values of the east-west direction. maxx : float Maximum values of the east-west direction. miny : float Minimum values of the south-north direction. maxy : float Maximum values of the south-north direction. crs : int, dict, str or Value to initialize `` Defaults to "epsg:4326". Returns ------- BBox A bounding box of the requested coordinates. """ return cls.from_cornerpts(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, crs=crs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ds(cls, ds): """Create a bounding box object from a WindKit Dataset. Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset WindKit formatted GIS dataset. Returns ------- BBox A bounding box of the dataset. """ we = ds.west_east sn = ds.south_north ring = LinearRing( ( (we.min(), sn.min()), (we.max(), sn.min()), (we.max(), sn.max()), (we.min(), sn.max()), ) ) crs = pyproj.CRS.from_wkt(["crs_wkt"]) return cls(ring, crs)
[docs] def reproject(self, to_crs, use_bounds=False): """Reproject a bounding box object. Parameters ---------- to_crs : int, dict, str or Value to initialize `` Returns ------- BBox The linestring in the requested projection. """ to_crs = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(to_crs) transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(, to_crs, always_xy=True) if use_bounds: new_bounds = transformer.transform_bounds(*self.bounds()) return self.__class__.from_bounds(*new_bounds, crs=to_crs) else: warnings.warn( "'use_bounds' currently defaults to False in BBox.reproject, in the future this will change to True" ) ring = transform(transformer.transform, self.ring) return self.__class__(ring, to_crs)
[docs] def reproject_to_utm(self): """Reproject a bounding box object to UTM. Returns ------- BBox The linestring in the requested projection. """ gpd = requires_geopandas() pt = gpd.GeoSeries(self.ring.centroid, crs_utm = pt.estimate_utm_crs() return self.reproject(crs_utm)
[docs] def reproject_to_geographic(self): """Reproject a bounding box object to geographic coordinates. Returns ------- BBox The linestring in the requested projection. """ return self.reproject("epsg:4326")
[docs] def buffer(self, distance, cap_style=3, join_style=2): """Buffer bounding box by fixed distance. Parameters ---------- Distance : float Distance to buffer each direction. cap_style: shapely.BufferCapStyle or {'round', 'square', 'flat'} Shape of buffered line endings, it is passed to `shapely.buffer`. Defaults to (3) 'square' join_style: shapely.BufferJoinStyle or {'round', 'mitre', 'bevel'} Shape of bufered line midpoints, it is passed to `shapely.buffer`. Defaults to (2) 'mitre' Returns ------- BBox New Bounding box object buffered by requested amount. """ poly = Polygon([pt for pt in zip(*self.ring.xy)]) # cap_style="square"(3), join_style="mitre"(2) poly = poly.buffer(float(distance), cap_style=cap_style, join_style=join_style) new_ring = LinearRing(poly.exterior.coords) return self.__class__(new_ring,
[docs] def envelope(self): """Create an envelope around the bounding box. Returns ------- BBox New Bounding box object that is the envelope of the original. """ bounds = self.bounds() return self.__class__.from_cornerpts(*bounds,
[docs] def to_grid(self, spacing, heights): """Create a WindKit Grid starting from the minimum points of the bbox. Parameters ---------- spacing : float Distance between each point. heights : float or 1D array Heights to include in the grid. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset WindKit xarray dataset with dummy variable. Notes ----- This assumes a "fence-post" approach to creating the grid, meaning that there may be a point that falls outside of the bounding box on the positive side. """ from .spatial import create_dataset # here to avoid circular import # Get x0, y0 minx, miny, maxx, maxy = self.bounds() # get number of points in x and y dimension nx = int(np.round((maxx - minx) / spacing)) + 1 ny = int(np.round((maxy - miny) / spacing)) + 1 out_ds = create_dataset( np.arange(nx) * spacing + minx, np.arange(ny) * spacing + miny, heights,, ) return update_history(out_ds)
[docs] def to_geoseries(self, geo_as_polygon=False): """Convert Bounding box to geopandas.Geoseries. Parameters ---------- geo_as_polygon : bool, optional Convert the LinearRing to Polygon first, by default False. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoSeries Bounding box converted to geoseries. """ gpd = requires_geopandas() if geo_as_polygon: geo = self.polygon else: geo = self.ring return gpd.GeoSeries(geo,
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot the bounding box.""" ax = self.to_geoseries().plot(**kwargs) ax.set_aspect("equal") return ax