Source code for windkit.wind_turbines

Defines a wind_turbines object

Wind turbines object can include groups of turbines.. Turbines are defined by their
position, and a mapping to a wind turbine generator.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from numpy.typing import NDArray

from windkit.geospatial_imports import HAS_GEOPANDAS, requires_geopandas

from ._validate import create_validator
from .spatial.spatial import create_dataset, get_crs

    import geopandas as gpd

    class gpd:
        class GeoDataFrame:

__all__ = [
windturbines_validate, windturbines_validate_wrapper = create_validator(
    ["south_north", "west_east", "height", "crs", "turbine_id", "group_id", "wtg_key"],

[docs] @windturbines_validate_wrapper def check_wtg_keys(wind_turbines: xr.Dataset, wtg_dict: dict): """Checks that all keys in a wind turbines object are there. Parameters ---------- wind_turbines : xr.Dataset Wind turbines dataset like that created by the functions below. wtg_dict : dict Dictionary mapping keys to wind turbine generators """ # Ensure all wtg_key values in the dataframe are in the supplied dictionary. missing_keys = [] for wtg_key in np.unique(wind_turbines.wtg_key): if wtg_key not in wtg_dict.keys(): missing_keys.append(wtg_key) if len(missing_keys) != 0: raise ValueError( f"Wind_turbines object includes the wtg_keys: {missing_keys}, that aren't in the wtg_dict." )
[docs] def create_wind_turbines_from_dataframe( location_df: pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame, crs: str | int = None ) -> xr.Dataset: """Creates a point dataset with required metadata from a dataframe. Parameters ---------- location_df : pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame Dataframe with columns west_east, south_north, height, and wtg_key. Optional columns turbine_id, group_id can be set to give names to the turbine positions and groups. If not set turbine_id defaults to an integer from 0 to to the number of rows, and group_id defaults to 0. crs : str | int, optional Projection of the locations, by default None Returns ------- xr.Dataset Windkit point dataset that includes the metadata needed for AEP calculations. Raises ------ ValueError ValueError: if input is ill-formed. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> import windkit as wk >>> wts = create_wind_turbines_from_dataframe(pd.DataFrame(dict(west_east=[100., 200], south_north=[50., 150.], height=100., turbine_id=["Turb1", "Turb2"], wtg_key="DTU_10MW")), 32632) """ # Set defaults for ids, if they aren't provided if "turbine_id" not in location_df.columns: location_df["turbine_id"] = range(len(location_df.index)) if "group_id" not in location_df.columns: location_df["group_id"] = 0 if type(location_df) == pd.DataFrame: if crs is None: raise ValueError("crs must be provided if location_df is a pd.DataFrame") # Return dataset with appropriate metadata locs = create_dataset( location_df.west_east, location_df.south_north, location_df.height, crs, struct="point", ).drop_vars("output") elif type(location_df) == gpd.GeoDataFrame: requires_geopandas() if is None and crs is None: raise ValueError("The GeoDataFrame must have a crs set") crs = if crs is None else crs locs = create_dataset( location_df.geometry.x, location_df.geometry.y, location_df.geometry.z, crs, struct="point", ).drop_vars("output") else: raise ValueError("location_df must be a pandas DataFrame or a GeoDataFrame") locs = locs.assign_coords( turbine_id=(("point",), location_df.turbine_id), group_id=(("point",), location_df.group_id), wtg_key=(("point",), location_df.wtg_key), ) return locs
[docs] def create_wind_turbines_from_arrays( west_east: NDArray | list[float], south_north: NDArray | list[float], height: NDArray | list[float], wtg_keys: NDArray | list[int | str], turbine_ids: NDArray | list[int | str] | None = None, group_ids: NDArray | list[int | str] | None = None, crs: str | int = "EPSG:4326", ) -> xr.Dataset: """Creates a point dataset with required metadata from explicit arrays. Parameters ---------- west_east : NDArray | list[float] west-east coordinates of the turbines. south_north : NDArray | list[float] south-north coordinates of the turbines. height : NDArray | list[float] height of the turbines. wtg_keys : NDArray | list[int | str] wtg_keys of the turbines. turbine_ids : NDArray | list[int | str] | None, optional turbine identifiers. If not set defaults to an integer from 0 to to the number of rows, by default None group_ids : NDArray | list[int | str] | None, optional group identifiers. If not set defaults to 0, by default None crs : _type_, optional Projection of the locations, by default "EPSG:4326" Raises ------ ValueError ValueError: if input is ill-formed. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Windkit point dataset that includes the metadata needed for AEP calculations. """ def _validate_shapes(): variables = [ np.asarray(x) for x in [ south_north, west_east, height, wtg_keys, turbine_ids, group_ids, ] if x is not None ] if not all(var.ndim == 1 for var in variables): raise ValueError("All arrays must be 1D arrays or lists of the same length") if not all(var.size == variables[0].size for var in variables): raise ValueError("All arrays must be 1D arrays or lists of the same length") _validate_shapes() ds = create_dataset( west_east, south_north, height, crs=crs, struct="point" ).drop_vars("output") # fill in defaults for turbine_ids and group_ids if turbine_ids is None: turbine_ids = np.arange(len(west_east)) if group_ids is None: group_ids = np.zeros(len(west_east)) ds = ds.assign_coords( turbine_id=(("point",), turbine_ids), group_id=(("point",), group_ids), wtg_key=(("point",), wtg_keys), ) return ds
[docs] def wind_turbines_to_geodataframe(ds: xr.Dataset) -> gpd.GeoDataFrame: """Converts a wind turbine dataset to a geopandas dataframe. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Wind turbine dataset. Returns ------- gpd.GeoDataFrame Geopandas dataframe with the turbine positions and metadata. """ requires_geopandas() south_north = ds["south_north"].values west_east = ds["west_east"].values height = ds["height"].values turbine_id = ds["turbine_id"].values group_id = ds["group_id"].values wtg_key = ds["wtg_key"].values geometry = gpd.points_from_xy(west_east, south_north, height) gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=geometry, crs=get_crs(ds)) gdf["turbine_id"] = turbine_id gdf["group_id"] = group_id gdf["wtg_key"] = wtg_key return gdf