
windkit.plot.wind_rose(ds, wind_speed_bins=None, style='rose', uniform_color='blue', cmap='Viridis_r', gap=False)[source]

Create wind rose plot.

The wind rose can be plotted in two different styles:

  • Simple wind rose which shows information regarding the wind direction for each sector.

  • Stacked wind rose which includes information for both the wind direction and the wind speed for each sector.

The type of wind rose is controlled by the wind_speed_bins input which will define the style of the wind rose and, if it is desired, the wind speed intervals shown in the wind rose.

Moreover, by using the style argument, one can define the plotting style of the wind rose: radar (line polar plot) or rose.

  • ds (xarray.Dataset) – WindKit Dataset representing a either a binned “histogram” wind climate or a weibull wind climate in a single point.

  • wind_speed_bins (list of floats, str, optional) –

    Can take the following values:

    • None: results in a simple rose representation, representing only the wind direction frequency. (Default)

    • List of floats: Manually introduced list where each float defines one limit of each wind speed interval. e.g: wind_speed_bins = [0, 5.5, 10, 30] would create 3 gorups of wind speeds: 0 - 5.5, 5.5 - 10 and 10 - 30. Results in a stacked wind rose.

    • One of three different str (“IEC_I”, “IEC_II” or “IEC_III”): Each class has predefined wind speed intervals that correspond to the turbine characteristics, defined in the plot.wind_rose module. Results in a stacked wind rose.

  • style (str, optional) –

    Can take the following values:

    • ”rose”: the plotting style is a rose.

    • ”radar”: the plotting style is a line polar plot. By default is defined as “rose”.

  • cmap (str, optional) – Determines the sequential color scale when representing the stacked wind rose. Strings should define valid built-in sequential color scales’ names. By default is defined as “Viridis_r”.

  • uniform_color (str, optional) – Determines the uniform color when representing the simple rose. Strings should define valid CSS-colors. By default is defined as “blue”.

  • gap (bool, optional) – Include a gap between sectors? (Default: no gap)


Plotly figure for display, additional modification, or output

Return type:
