
Weibull wind climate module

When measuring over a long period the frequency of occurence of wind speed usually follows a Weibull distribution. It is therefore common practice in the wind energy industry to use the Weibull A and k parameters to denote the wind resource at a certain location.

Because there can be large differences in the wind climate when the wind is coming from different wind directions, the Weibull distributions are usually specified per sector.

A valid Weibull wind climate therefore has a dimension sector and the variables A, k and wdfreq. Also it must have a valid spatial structure. This module contains functions that operate on and create weibull wind climates.


read_grdfile(grdfiles[, regex_pattern, ...])

Reads a .grd file into a weibull wind climate dataset.

read_pwcfile(pwcfile, spatial_dataset)

Reads .pwc predicted wind climate file from WAsP in XML format.

read_rsffile(rsffile, crs[, to_cuboid, ...])

Reads .rsf file into a weibull wind climate dataset.

read_wrgfile(wrgfile[, crs, to_cuboid, ...])

Reads .wrg file into a weibull wind climate dataset.

read_wwc(wwc_file[, crs])

Creates and validates a weibull wind climate xarray.Dataset from a netCDF File.

to_rsffile(wwc, rsffile[, wrg_header, ...])

Write weibull wind climate dataset to .rsf file.

to_wrgfile(wwc, wrgfile[, use_production, ...])

Write weibull wind climate dataset to .wrg file.

weibull_combined(wwc[, atol])

Return the all sector A & k.

wwc_mean_windspeed(wwc[, bysector, emergent])

Calculate the mean wind speed from a weibull wind climate dataset.

wwc_power_density(wwc, air_density[, ...])

Calculate the power density

wwc_to_bwc(wwc, ws_bins)

Creates object from directional A's and k's.