Source code for windkit.spatial.spatial

# (c) 2022 DTU Wind Energy
Public interface to all of the spatial tools in WindKit

import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pyproj
import xarray as xr
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

from windkit.geospatial_imports import is_GeoDataFrame, is_GeoSeries, requires_geopandas

from ..metadata import _GLOBAL_CONVENTIONS, ALL_VARS_META, update_history
from ._bbox import BBox
from ._crs import add_crs, crs_are_equal, get_crs
from ._dimensions import _point_dim, _stacked_point_dim, _vertical_dim, _xy_dims
from ._point import _mask_point, is_point, is_stacked_point, to_point, to_stacked_point
from ._raster import _bounds as _raster_bounds
from ._raster import (
from ._raster import _resolution as _raster_resolution
from ._raster import _warp_raster, is_raster, to_raster
from ._struct import _from_scalar, get_spatial_struct, is_cuboid
from ._vector import _clip_vector
from ._vertical import has_height_coord, has_height_dim

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def count_spatial_points(obj):
    """Get the number of spatial points for a dataset or DataArray

    obj: xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray
        WindKit xarray dataset or dataarray containing spatial dimensions.

        Undetectable spatial structure
    obj = _from_scalar(obj)
    dims = obj.sizes

    # Get dimension names
    xdim, ydim = _xy_dims()
    pt_dim = _point_dim()
    vert_dim = _vertical_dim()
    spt_dim = _stacked_point_dim()

    if is_cuboid(obj):
        return dims[vert_dim] * dims[ydim] * dims[xdim]
    elif is_raster(obj):
        return dims[ydim] * dims[xdim]
    elif is_stacked_point(obj):
        return dims[vert_dim] * dims[spt_dim]
    elif is_point(obj):
        return dims[pt_dim]
        raise ValueError("Unknown data structure cannot count points.")

def are_spatially_equal(obj_a, obj_b):
    """Checks that the spatial points are equivalent for both datasets

    obj_a, obj_b : xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray
        WindKit xarray dataset or dataarray containing spatial
        dimensions and CRS variable

        True if spatial coords are numpy.allclose

    x_dim, y_dim = _xy_dims()

    if obj_a.coords[x_dim].size != obj_b.coords[x_dim].size:
        return False
    if obj_a.coords[y_dim].size != obj_b.coords[y_dim].size:
        return False
    return np.allclose(obj_a[x_dim], obj_b[x_dim]) and np.allclose(
        obj_a[y_dim], obj_b[y_dim]

[docs] def create_dataset(west_east, south_north, height, crs, struct="auto", thresh=1e-9): """Create a WindKit dataset given a set of locations. Parameters ---------- west_east : array_like 1D array of west_east locations of interest south_north : array_like 1D array of south_north locations of interest height : array_like Array of heights to create in output WindKit xarray dataset crs : int, dict, str or Value to initialize `` struct : str Used to specify the type of dataset that is desired Valid values are 'auto', 'cuboid', 'point' and 'stacked_point'. The default value of 'auto' tries to create a cuboid, but falls back to point depending on the values specified. thresh : float Threshold value for raster detection Default set to 1e-9 m Returns ------- xarray.Dataset WindKit formated zero-filled Dataset with one variable "output" and with the grid dimensions specified Notes ----- This function will create a WindKit formatted dataset including all of the geospatial information that is desired. If ds_fmt is set to "auto", the function will attempt to create a cuboid, if the deviation between the largest and smallest interval along west_east and south_north are lower than value in thresh (west_east and south north can be different lengths). Otherwise, the function will attempt to make a point dataset. Specifically, it will create a 3D point object, if west_east, south_north and heights have the same lengths. If west_east and south_north have the same lengths but heights length is different the function will create a 2D point object. Alternatively, ds_fmt can be set to desired output format, that is 'cuboid', 'stacked_point' and 'point', which accordingly requires specific structures of west_east, south_north and heights (as described above): * ``cuboid``: west_east, south_north, and heights must contain unique points along their dimension, and west_east and south_north are evenly spaced * ``stacked_point``: west_east and south_north must have the same length, but heights will have unique values representing the dimension values * ``point``: west_east, south_north and heights must have same lengths """ # Ensure that all input arrays are 1d x, y, z = np.atleast_1d(west_east, south_north, height) if struct.lower() == "auto": if _has_raster_dims(x, y): struct = "cuboid" elif (y.size == x.size) and (x.size != z.size): struct = "stacked_point" elif (y.size == x.size) and (y.size == z.size): struct = "point" else: raise ValueError("Cannot identify struct of input data.") # Get names of dimensions x_dim, y_dim = _xy_dims() z_dim = _vertical_dim() pt_dim = _point_dim() stacked_pt_dim = _stacked_point_dim() if struct.lower() == "cuboid": if not _has_raster_dims(x, y): raise ValueError("Data cannot be converted to raster or cuboid dataset.") # Create spatial data arrays shape = z.size, y.size, x.size dims = (z_dim, y_dim, x_dim) z_coord = ((z_dim,), z) y_coord = ((y_dim,), y) x_coord = ((x_dim,), x) elif struct.lower() == "stacked_point": # Raise error if point array cannot be made if y.size != x.size: err_str = "south_north and west_east sizes do not match." raise ValueError(err_str) # Create spatial data arrays shape = z.size, x.size dims = (z_dim, stacked_pt_dim) z_coord = ((z_dim,), z) y_coord = ((stacked_pt_dim,), y) x_coord = ((stacked_pt_dim,), x) elif struct.lower() == "point": # Raise error if point array cannot be made if (y.size != x.size) | (y.size != z.size): err_str = ( "point dataset cannot be made with input " + "arrays of differing sizes" ) raise ValueError(err_str) # Create spatial data arrays shape = (x.size,) dims = (pt_dim,) z_coord = ((pt_dim,), z) y_coord = ((pt_dim,), y) x_coord = ((pt_dim,), x) else: raise ValueError("Unknown struct provided.") # Build DataArray data = np.zeros(shape) coords = {z_dim: z_coord, y_dim: y_coord, x_dim: x_coord} out_da = xr.DataArray(data=data, dims=dims, coords=coords) # Build dataset with crs for storing results out_ds = out_da.to_dataset(name="output") out_ds = add_crs(out_ds, crs) out_ds[z_dim].attrs = ALL_VARS_META[z_dim] out_ds.attrs = _GLOBAL_CONVENTIONS return update_history(out_ds)
def _replace_close(arr, thresh=1e-9): # pragma:no cover internal """Replace all values that are close to each other with an identical value Parameters ---------- arr : array_like Array to be examined thresh : float Threshold value for checking spatial separation between coordinates Default set to 1e-9 m Returns ------- array_like Array of the same shape and dtype as arr, but with close values replaced """ unq = np.sort(np.unique(arr)) diff_unq = np.diff(unq) if any(diff_unq <= thresh): for i, diff in enumerate(diff_unq): if diff <= thresh: val = unq[i] arr = np.where(np.isclose(arr, val), val, arr) return arr
[docs] def reproject(obj, to_crs, copy=True): """Reprojects WindKit object a new CRS without changing the data. If the input is a xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray with a 'cuboid' spatial structure, the spatial structure will be changed to 'stacked_point', since the coordiates of the new dataset will no longer be regularly spaced. Parameters ---------- obj : geopandas.GeoDataFrame, xarray.DataArray, xarray.Dataset, or BBox WindKit object that will be reprojected. crs : int, dict, str or Value to initialize `` copy : bool If true, the object is copied. Defaults to True. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame, xarray.DataArray,xarray.Dataset, or BBox WindKit object with new projection See Also -------- warp Notes ----- This script reprojects the coordinates of the data, and reshapes the data from `cuboid` or `raster` to `stacked_point`. This is done so that none of the data is interpolated, but rather the coordinates are just changed to match those of the new projection. If you want to keep your data in `cuboid` or `raster` format, use the function `warp` instead, which however does do interpolation of the data. """ # if is_GeoDataFrame(obj) or is_GeoSeries(obj): return obj.to_crs(to_crs) elif isinstance(obj, BBox): return obj.reproject(to_crs) # From here we know that the input object is # a xarray.Dataset or xarray.DataArray if copy: obj = obj.copy() # Get input CRS object try: from_crs = get_crs(obj) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "No CRS found on object! Please set with:" + " obj = add_crs(obj, crs)!" ) # Get spatial dim names x_dim, y_dim = _xy_dims() # Get output CRS object to_crs = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(to_crs) # Reproject dimensions transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(from_crs, to_crs, always_xy=True) struct = get_spatial_struct(obj) if struct in ["raster", "cuboid"]: obj = to_stacked_point(obj) struct = "stacked_point" elif struct is None: try: obj = _from_scalar(obj) struct = get_spatial_struct(obj) except Exception: raise RuntimeError("Could not determine spatial structure of your data.") # Add warnings filter for numpy=1.25 from pyproj. # See: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Conversion of an array with ndim > 0") x_new, y_new = transformer.transform(obj[x_dim].values, obj[y_dim].values) warnings.resetwarnings() x_new = _replace_close(x_new) y_new = _replace_close(y_new) obj = obj.drop_vars([x_dim, y_dim]) obj = obj.assign_coords({x_dim: ((struct), x_new), y_dim: ((struct), y_new)}) obj = add_crs(obj, to_crs) return obj
[docs] def warp( obj, to_crs, resolution=None, method="nearest", nodata=None, coerce_to_float=True ): """Warp cuboid WindKit object to another in a new CRS using data interpolation. Parameters ---------- obj : xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset WindKit object to warp. to_crs : int, dict, str or CRS Value to create CRS object or an existing CRS object resolution : tuple (x resolution, y resolution) or float, optional Target resolution, in units of target coordinate reference system. Default: None calculates a resolution in the target crs similar to the resolution of the original crs. method : str Interpolation method, passed to rasterio.warp.reproject. Defaults to "nearest". nodata : scalar Initial data to fill output arrays, passed to rasterio.warp.reproject. Defaults to numpy.nan. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset Warped WindKit object. See Also -------- reproject """ kwargs = { "resolution": resolution, "method": method, "nodata": nodata, "coerce_to_float": coerce_to_float, } if isinstance(obj, (xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray)): struct = get_spatial_struct(obj) if struct in ["raster", "cuboid"]: obj = _warp_raster(obj, to_crs, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, xr.Dataset): return update_history(obj) else: return obj else: raise ValueError( "Only 'raster' and 'cuboid' objects currently" + " supports warping!" ) else: raise ValueError( "Only xarray Dataset and DataArray objects " + "currently supported for warping" )
[docs] def mask(obj, mask, all_touched=False, invert=False, nodata=None, **kwargs): """Mask WindKit object with geometric mask. Masking an object returns the same object with values outside of the masked region filled with NaN. Parameters ---------- obj : xarray.Dataset,xarray.DataArray WindKit object to mask. mask : geopandas.GeoDataFrame or BBox Mask to mask object by. all_touched : bool *raster* or *cuboid* only: Include all pixels touched by the mask? False includes only those that pass through the center. Passed to rasterio.features.geometry_mask. Defaults to False. invert : bool *raster* or *cuboid* only: If true values outside of the mask will be nulled, if False values inside the mask are nulled. Opposite is passed to rio.features.geometry_mask. Defaults to False. nodata : float *raster* or *cuboid* only: If no data is not None, all masked data will be filled with this value. Default, masked data is set to NaN. Returns ------- same as obj Clipped WindKit object. See Also -------- clip Note ---- This function behaves the opposite of rasterio.features.geometry_mask by default, in that it nulls areas outside of the area of interest rather than inside. For rasters, when the mask edges intersects with the cell centers they are not guaranteed to be included. It is recommend to use a buffer or all_touched=True to be sure. """ kwargs = { **kwargs, "all_touched": all_touched, "invert": invert, "nodata": nodata, } if isinstance(obj, (xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray)): struct = get_spatial_struct(obj) if struct in ["raster", "cuboid"]: obj = _mask_raster(obj, mask, drop=False, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, xr.Dataset): return update_history(obj) else: return obj elif struct in ["point", "stacked_point"]: obj = _mask_point(obj, mask, drop=False, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, xr.Dataset): return update_history(obj) else: return obj else: raise ValueError("Spatial structure not supported!") else: raise ValueError("Object not supported!")
[docs] def clip(obj, mask, all_touched=False, invert=False, nodata=None, **kwargs): """Clip object to mask. Clipping returns an object that has been reduced to the requested shape. Dropping data that falls outside of the masked region. Parameters ---------- obj : geopandas.GeoDataFrame, xarray.DataArray or xarray.Dataset Object with raster-like dimensions to clip with mask. mask : geopandas.GeoDataFrame or BBox Geometric features to clip out of object. all_touched : bool *raster* or *cuboid* only: Include all pixels touched by the mask? False inclodes only those that pass through the center. Passed to rasterio.features.geometry_mask. Defaults to False. invert : bool *raster* or *cuboid* only: If true values outside of the mask will be nulled, if False values inside the mask are nulled. Opposite is passed to rio.features.geometry_mask. Defaults to False. nodata : float *raster* or *cuboid* only: If no data is not None, all masked data will be filled with this value. Default, masked data is set to NaN. kwargs : dict Other keyword-arguments are passed to the underlying function, depending on the type of object. Returns ------- geopandas.GeoDataFrame, xarray.DataArray,xarray.Dataset Object of the same type as obj clipped by geometric features. See Also -------- mask Notes ----- This function behaves the opposite of rasterio.features.geometry_mask by default, in that it nulls areas outside of the area of interest rather than inside. For rasters, when the mask edges intersects with the cell centers they are not guaranteed to be included. It is recommend to use a buffer or all_touched=True to be sure. """ kwargs = {**kwargs, "all_touched": all_touched, "invert": invert, "nodata": nodata} if is_GeoDataFrame(obj) or is_GeoSeries(obj): return _clip_vector(obj, mask, **kwargs) elif isinstance(obj, (xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray)): struct = get_spatial_struct(obj) if struct in ["raster", "cuboid"]: if isinstance(mask, BBox): obj = _clip_to_bbox_raster(obj, mask) else: obj = _mask_raster(obj, mask, drop=True, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, xr.Dataset): return update_history(obj) else: return obj elif struct in ["point", "stacked_point"]: obj = _mask_point(obj, mask, drop=True, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, xr.Dataset): return update_history(obj) else: return obj else: raise ValueError("Spatial structure not supported!") else: raise ValueError(f"Object not supported!")
_STACK_ATTRS = ("_pwio_was_stacked_point", "_pwio_was_cuboid", "_pwio_orig_srs_wkt") def spatial_stack( source, target_crs=None, revertable=True, copy=True, remove_height=False ): """Returns source in a revertable version of the "point" format This routine can be used to ensure a consistent input form to external routines, by always returning in "point" format. It can also do reprojection, and remove the height field to make the result a 2D spatial object. Parameters ---------- source : xarray.DataSet WindKit dataset containing spatial dimensions and CRS variable to convert target_crs : int, dict, str or Value to initialize `` (Default is to not reproject.) revertable : bool Should we retain information about the original datastructure so we can revert this process? This is typically True, but should be False when interpolating the data to a new projection. copy : bool Should we make a copy of the initial dataset? This is typically true as we don't want to manipulate the original object, but work on a new version. remove_height : bool Is the resulting object always 2D? This is typically false, but can be useful in some instances. Returns ------- stacked : xarray.DataSet WindKit formated xr.DataSet as a point object on the new projection and with additional that allow it to be converted back to its original form using spatial_unstack. Notes ----- This routine serves two purposes: 1. Convert source to a point object, storing its former structure. 2. Reproject to the target_crs if provided, and not already met. """ if copy: source = source.copy(deep=True) # For some routines, we don't want to pass a height dimesion, so remove it if asked if remove_height: if has_height_dim(source): source = source.isel(height=0, drop=True) if has_height_coord(source): del source["height"] # Remove attributes from previous call if found if not is_point(source): for attr in _STACK_ATTRS: if attr in source.attrs: del source.attrs[attr] # Label original format and get 2D variables if not "point" orig_format = get_spatial_struct(source) if revertable and orig_format in ("stacked_point", "cuboid", "raster"): logger.debug("Converting from original format %s", orig_format) source.attrs[f"_pwio_was_{orig_format}"] = True if orig_format == "stacked_point": source.attrs["_pwio_spoint_order"] = np.lexsort( (, ) # Identify 2D variables if has_height_dim(source): hgt_dim = _vertical_dim() for var in source.data_vars: logger.debug("Flagging variable %s as 2d variable", var) source[var].attrs["_pwio_data_is_2d"] = hgt_dim not in source[var].dims # Reproject if requested source_crs = get_crs(source) if target_crs is not None: target_crs = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(target_crs) if source_crs != target_crs: if revertable: source.attrs["_pwio_orig_srs_wkt"] = source_crs.to_wkt() return reproject(to_point(source), target_crs) ds = to_point(source) return update_history(ds) def spatial_unstack(source): """Unstacks a point object that was created using spatial_stack Parameters ---------- source : xarray.DataSet WindKit dataset containing spatial dimensions and CRS variable to revert Returns ------- WindKit dataset Source dataset structured as it was originally. Notes ----- This is the companion function to spatial_stack and does 2 things: 1. Converts 3D-point object to either raster or 2D-point object 2. Reprojects converted object back to its original projection """ # Check that source was previously reprojected if "_pwio_orig_srs_wkt" in source.attrs: source = reproject(source, source.attrs["_pwio_orig_srs_wkt"]) del source.attrs["_pwio_orig_srs_wkt"] # Convert back to original format if "_pwio_was_raster" in source.attrs: source = to_raster(source, True) geo_dims_order = ("south_north", "west_east") del source.attrs["_pwio_was_raster"] elif "_pwio_was_cuboid" in source.attrs: source = to_raster(source, True) geo_dims_order = ("height", "south_north", "west_east") del source.attrs["_pwio_was_cuboid"] elif "_pwio_was_stacked_point" in source.attrs: geo_dims_order = ( "height", "stacked_point", ) source = to_stacked_point(source) if "_pwio_spoint_order" in source.attrs: idx = source.attrs["_pwio_spoint_order"] source = source.isel(stacked_point=np.argsort(idx)) del source.attrs["_pwio_spoint_order"] del source.attrs["_pwio_was_stacked_point"] # Transpose the coordinates to match netCDF best practices hgt_dim = _vertical_dim() if is_stacked_point(source): geo_dims_order = (hgt_dim,) + ("stacked_point",) elif is_point(source): geo_dims_order = ("point",) elif is_raster(source): geo_dims_order = ("south_north", "west_east") else: geo_dims_order = ("point",) # Removing _pwio_data_is_2d attr from dataset for var in source.data_vars.keys(): if "_pwio_data_is_2d" in source[var].attrs: source[var].attrs.pop("_pwio_data_is_2d", None) ds = source.transpose(..., *geo_dims_order) return update_history(ds) def nearest_points( ds: xr.Dataset, ds_target: xr.Dataset, dims=["west_east", "south_north", "height"], n_nearest=1, return_rank=False, return_distance=False, ): """Get nearest points from x,y,z point dataset Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Input dataset of which we want to select nearest points ds_target : xr.Dataset Target dataset of the points we want to obtain from the input dims : list of strings Dimensions which we want to use for nearest neighbour lookup n_nearest: int Number of closest points to return for each point in ds_target return_rank: bool Return the rank of closeness return_distance: bool Return the distance to closest point Returns ------- xr.Dataset ds but with the nearest points provided in ds_target (i.e. ds will have the shape of ds_target) """ if get_crs(ds).is_geographic or get_crs(ds_target).is_geographic: warnings.warn( "You are doing nearest neighbour lookup in non metric coordinate systems!" ) if get_crs(ds) != get_crs(ds_target): raise ValueError("Datasets must have the same coordinate system!") # stack so that we also work with point structure ds = spatial_stack(ds) # if we ask for only the nearest 1 point the data structure # remains the same as ds_target, so we can recover the original # by spatial_unstack. if n_nearest == 1: ds_target = spatial_stack(ds_target) else: ds_target = to_point(ds_target) arrays = np.array([np.atleast_1d(ds[x].values) for x in dims]).T arrays_target = np.array([np.atleast_1d(ds_target[x].values) for x in dims]).T tree = KDTree(arrays) dd, ii = tree.query(arrays_target, k=n_nearest) if n_nearest == 1: dims = ("point",) else: dims = ("point", "rank") idx = xr.DataArray(ii, dims=dims) nearest = ds.isel(point=idx) if "rank" in dims and return_rank: nearest["rank"] = (("rank",), np.arange(n_nearest)) if return_distance: nearest["distance"] = (dims, dd) if n_nearest == 1: ds = spatial_unstack(nearest) return update_history(ds) else: nearest = ( nearest.rename({"point": "point_tmp"}) .stack(point=("point_tmp", "rank")) .reset_index("point") .drop_vars("point_tmp") ) if not return_rank: nearest = nearest.drop_vars("rank") return update_history(nearest) def covers(obj_a, obj_b): """ Checks if obj_a covers obj_b Parameters ---------- obj_a : xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray WindKit xarray dataset or dataarray containing spatial dimensions. Only cuboid structure is currently supported for obj_a. obj_b : xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray WindKit xarray dataset or dataarray containing spatial dimensions. Returns ------- bool True if obj_a covers obj_b """ if not is_cuboid(obj_a): raise ValueError( "obj_a must be cuboid structure, got:", get_spatial_struct(obj_a) ) x_dim, y_dim = _xy_dims() z_dim = _vertical_dim() x_min, x_max = obj_a[x_dim].min(), obj_a[x_dim].max() y_min, y_max = obj_a[y_dim].min(), obj_a[y_dim].max() z_min, z_max = obj_a[z_dim].min(), obj_a[z_dim].max() x, y, z = obj_b[x_dim], obj_b[y_dim], obj_b[z_dim] return ( (x_min <= x).all() & (x <= x_max).all() & (y_min <= y).all() & (y <= y_max).all() & (z_min <= z).all() & (z <= z_max).all() ) def clip_with_margin( obj_to_clip, obj_clipper, margin_dx_factor=5.0, cap_style=1, join_style=1 ): """ Clip a 'raster' or 'cuboid' dataset to the bounding box of another 'raster', 'cuboid', 'stacked_point', or 'point' dataset including a margin around that dataset to ensure several points are avaiable around the clipper dataset from the clipped one. Parameters ---------- obj_to_clip : xarray Dataset or DataArray The dataset to clip obj_clipper : xarray Dataset or DataArray The dataset to clip to margin_dx_factor : float, optional The margin to add to the bounding box of the clipper dataset, by default 5.0, i.e. 5 times the grid spacing of the dataset to clip cap_style : int, optional The cap style to use for buffering the bounding box of the clipper dataset, by default 1 (round buffering) join_style : int, optional The join style to use for buffering the bounding box of the clipper dataset, by default 1 (round buffering) Returns ------- xarray Dataset or DataArray The clipped dataset """ obj_to_clip = obj_to_clip.copy() if not isinstance(obj_to_clip, (xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray)): raise TypeError("obj_to_clip must be an xarray Dataset or DataArray") if not isinstance(obj_clipper, (xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray)): raise TypeError("obj_clipper must be an xarray Dataset or DataArray") if not is_raster(obj_to_clip): raise ValueError("obj_to_clip must be a cuboid") # Get the CRS of the dataset to clip and the grid spacing resolution # to use for buffering of the bounding buffer # (5 times the resolution of the climate dataset) # We will use the bbox to clip the climate dataset before interpolation crs_clip = get_crs(obj_to_clip) spacing_clip, _ = _raster_resolution(obj_to_clip) bbox_buffer = margin_dx_factor * spacing_clip # Create a bounding box around the output locations buffered with enough edge points # for the interpolation to work¨ # cap_style=1, join_style=1 is used (round buffering) to avoid issues with # spatial datasets of points forming a straigth line (default buffer is square # and wont buffer the points in this case) bbox = ( BBox.from_ds(obj_clipper) .reproject(crs_clip) .buffer(bbox_buffer, cap_style=cap_style, join_style=join_style) .envelope() ) # check if bbox is outside bounds of the dataset bounds_to_clip = _raster_bounds(obj_to_clip) bounds_bbox = bbox.bounds() if ( bounds_bbox[0] < bounds_to_clip[0] or bounds_bbox[1] < bounds_to_clip[1] or bounds_bbox[2] > bounds_to_clip[2] or bounds_bbox[3] > bounds_to_clip[3] ): warnings.warn( "Clipping bbox including marging is outside the bounds of the dataset to clip!" ) # Clip the dataset to the bounding box return clip(obj_to_clip, bbox) def equal_spatial_shape(obj_a, obj_b): """Check if two spatial objects have the same shape. Parameters ---------- obj_a : xr.Dataset or xr.DataArray Spatial object. obj_b : xr.Dataset or xr.DataArray Spatial object. Returns ------- bool True if the objects have the same shape, False otherwise. """ struct_a = get_spatial_struct(obj_a) struct_b = get_spatial_struct(obj_b) if struct_a != struct_b: return False if struct_a == "point": return obj_a.point.size == obj_b.point.size elif struct_a == "stacked_point": return ( obj_a.stacked_point.size == obj_b.stacked_point.size and obj_a.height.size == obj_b.height.size ) elif struct_a == "cuboid": return ( obj_a.west_east.size == obj_b.west_east.size and obj_a.south_north.size == obj_b.south_north.size and obj_a.height.size == obj_b.height.size ) elif struct_a == "raster": return ( obj_a.west_east.size == obj_b.west_east.size and obj_a.south_north.size == obj_b.south_north.size ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown spatial structure '{struct_a}'.") def ds_to_gdf(ds, include_height=False): """Convert windkit spatial structure to geopandas dataframe. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset or xr.DataArray Spatial object. include_height : boolean, optional Default False, do not include the height dimension in the geopandas dataframe Returns ------- gdf : gpd.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with columns `x`, `y` and optionally `z` if include_height is True Notes ----- If a coordinate `name` is present on the dataset, it will be included in the geodataframe as well. This can be convenient when you have mast locations that have a name/label. Note that if your dataset is in cuboid or stacked_point format, it will be flattened to a point structure. """ gpd = requires_geopandas() point_ds = to_point(ds) in_crs = get_crs(ds) struct = (point_ds.coords["west_east"], point_ds.coords["south_north"]) if include_height: struct = struct + (point_ds.coords["height"],) try: gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( {"name": point_ds["name"]}, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(*struct), crs=in_crs ) except: gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(*struct), crs=in_crs) return gdf.drop_duplicates() def _get_coords_from_gdf(gdf, height=None): """ Extracts the x, y, and z coordinates from a GeoDataFrame. If the GeoDataFrame does not contain z values, a specified height is used for all points. Parameters ---------- gdf : GeoDataFrame The GeoDataFrame from which to extract the coordinates. The GeoDataFrame should contain a 'geometry' column with Point geometries. If the points do not have a z coordinate, the 'height' parameter must be provided. height : float or None The height to use for all points if the GeoDataFrame does not contain z values. If the GeoDataFrame does contain z values, this parameter is ignored. If the GeoDataFrame does not contain z values and this parameter is None, a ValueError is raised. Returns ------- x, y, z : ndarray The x, y, and z coordinates of the points in the GeoDataFrame. The coordinates are returned as separate 1D numpy arrays. Raises ------ ValueError If the GeoDataFrame does not contain z values and 'height' is None. """ if all(gdf.geometry.has_z): x, y, z = gdf.geometry.get_coordinates(include_z=True).values.T else: x, y = gdf.geometry.get_coordinates(include_z=False).values.T if height is None: raise ValueError( "You must provide a height for the dataset, because the geodataframe only contains x and y!" ) z = np.full_like(x, height) return x, y, z def gdf_to_ds(gdf, height=None, struct=None): """Convert geopandas dataframe to windkit spatial structure. Parameters ---------- gdf : gpd.GeoDataFrame Geopandas dataframe with geometry column height : float, optional The value of the height coordinate if it is not included in the gpd.GeoDataFrame. struct : {"point", "stacked_point", "cuboid"} Default None, which means detect the best fitting windkit spatial structure. Returns ------- ds : xr.Dataset dataset with a windkit spatial structure. Notes ----- If a column `name` is present on the GeoDataFrame and your data is in point or stacked_point structure, it will be included in the xr.Dataset as well. This can be convenient when you have mast locations that have a name/label. """ x, y, z = _get_coords_from_gdf(gdf, height=height) if struct is None: x, y, z = np.unique(x), np.unique(y), np.unique(z) # check if dataset can be a raster if _can_be_raster(x, y): struct = "cuboid" # in horizontal plane we can have a cuboid, but height dimension is varying, so return point if np.mod(gdf.size, z.size) != 0: struct = "point" x, y, z = _get_coords_from_gdf(gdf, height=height) elif np.mod(gdf.size, z.size) == 0: struct = "stacked_point" else: struct = "point" ds = create_dataset(x, y, z, struct=struct, if "name" in gdf.columns and (struct == "point" or struct == "stacked_point"): if struct == "stacked_point": if gdf["name"].unique().size != x.size: raise ValueError("Name must be unique for each stacked point.") names = gdf["name"].unique() else: names = gdf["name"] ds.coords["name"] = (struct, names) return ds