
windkit.empty.empty_tswc(output_locs, date_range=None, not_empty=True, seed=9876538)[source]

Create empty time series wind climate dataset.

If not_empty=True, the data variables are filled with meaninful random numbers.

  • output_loc (xarray.Dataset) – Output geospatial information.

  • time_range (pandas.DatetimeIndex or None) – time range as a pandas DateTimeIndex. If None is passed, a default range with 100 entries is created. Defaults to None.

  • not_empty (bool) – If true, the empty dataset is filled with random meaningful data. Defaults to True.

  • seed (int) – Seed for the random data, defaults to 9876538.


ds – Time Series wind climate dataset either empty or filled with random numbers.

Return type:
