- windkit.weibull.get_weibull_probability(A: float, k: float, speed_range: ndarray, single_speed=False)[source]
Calculate Weibull probability.
- Parameters:
A (float) – Scale parameter of the Weibull distribution.
k (float) – Shape parameter of the Weibull distribution.
speed_range (numpy.ndarray) – List of floats representing the wind speed bins contained in the binned “histogram” wind climate.
single_speed (bool, optional) –
Should the weibull probability be calculed for a single wind speed, default False.
- TrueCalculate the probability for the single wind speed defined by a
single float element in the speed_range list.
False : Calculate the probability for the hole wind speed range defined.
- Returns:
speeds (numpy.ndarray) – List of floats representing the wind speed bins.
prob (numpy.ndarray) – List of floats representing the Weibull probability for each element of the speeds list.