
windkit.wind_turbine_generator.wtg_cp(wtg, ws=None, *, air_density=None, interp_method='linear', use_power=False)[source]

Get power coefficient when the inflow wind speed is ws. If the given wind speed does not have an associated power output, it is linearly interpolated between data points.

  • wtg (xr.Dataset) – WindKit Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) Dataset

  • ws (array_like, floats) – Wind speeds to obtain WTG power for.

  • air_density (float, optional) – Air density, defaults to “air_density” from the WTG, or 1.225 kg/m^3 if it’s missing.

  • interp_method (str) – Interpolation method to use between provided table values. Uses xr.DataArray.interp

  • use_power (bool) – if set to True, use the ‘power_output’ values in the dataset to calculate cp. Defaults to False.


Power Coefficient for the given wind speeds

Return type:
