
windkit.raster_map.read_raster_map(filename, crs=None, map_type=None, clip_bbox=None, dtype=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a raster from 1-band rasterfile.

GIS files are opened with rasterio .nc files are opened with xarray, but only single variable files are handled.

  • filename (str or pathlib.Path) – Path to file (on disk or in zipfile)

  • crs (int, dict, str or – Value to initialize (Default: read from file)

  • map_type (str) – name of the map one of (elevation, roughness, or landcover). Defaults to None.

  • clip_bbox (shapely.geometry.LinearRing) – Linear Ring that forms a bounding box, must have the same crs as the raster that is being read. Defaults to None.

  • dtype (numpy.dtype) – The type of the output array. If dtype is not given the file will determine it. Defaults to None.

  • **kwargs (dict) – Additonal keyword arguments passed to reader.


raster_map object, if roughness map_type specified it will also return a LandCoverTable that maps the roughness values to IDs.

Return type:

xarray.DataArray, LandCoverTable