
windkit.wind_data.get_era5(datetime, bbox=None, source='planetary_computer', translate_to_windkit=True)[source]

Download ERA5 data from the planetary computer.

Read about Microsofts planetary computer here:

Use of Microsofts Planetary Computer is subject to Planetary Computer terms of service:

This function requires the optional dependencies:

“zarr”, “pystac-client”, “planetary-computer”, “fsspec”, and “adlfs”


datetime (datetime.datetime, str, tuple) – Either a single datetime or datetime range used to filter results. If a tuple, it must be a (start, end) tuple of datetime.datetime or timestamps as described below. You may express a single datetime using a datetime.datetime instance, a RFC 3339-compliant timestamp, or a simple date string (see below). Instances of datetime.datetime are assumed to be in UTC timezone If using a simple date string, the datetime can be specified in YYYY-mm-dd format, optionally truncating to YYYY-mm or just YYYY. Simple date strings will be expanded to include the entire time period, If used in a range, the end of the range expands to the end of that day/month/year.

bboxwindkit.spatial.BBox, tuple, list, np.ndarray, optional

Bounding box of the ERA5 data to download. Must be in “EPSG:4326” coordinates. If a list, tuple, or np.ndarray is provided, it must be a a 1D iterable of [min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat]. By default None, which downloads the entire ERA5 grid.

sourcestr, optional

Source from which we download the ERA5 data, by default “planetary_computer” Currently only “planetary_computer” is supported

translate_to_windkitbool, optional

If True, translate the ERA5 data to the format used in windkit, by default True


ERA5 data

Return type:



ValueError – If the source is not supported


The ERA5 data is downloaded from the planetary computer. Read about Microsofts planetary computer here:

Use of Microsofts Planetary Computer is subject to Planetary Computer terms of service: