Source code for pywasp.wasp.wind_atlas

Perform calculations on wind data using the WAsP methodology

This module contains functions to perform the "generalize" and "downscale"
parts of the WAsP methodology by using the logarithmic wind profile, the
geostrophic drag law and the stability and geostrophic shear correction model.
Function for both returning a weibull wind climate (:py:func:`predict_wwc`) and a binned
wind climate (:py:func:`predict_bwc`) are present.

import logging
import warnings
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from enum import Enum
import windkit as wk
from windkit import spatial as wksp
from windkit.metadata import (
from windkit.generalized_wind_climate import _GEN_COORDS_META, gwc_validate_wrapper
from .._errors import _handle_fort_errors

from ..core import Rvea0288
from .generalized_wind_climate import interpolate_gwc
from .meso_climate import get_climate, get_climate_by_config
from .wind_climate import add_met_fields
from .topography import _is_cfd, _prepare_site_effects_vars, get_site_effects_cfd
from . import Config
from .binned_wind_climate import _normalize_hist

FORT_GENERALIZE = Rvea0288.points.generalize_points
FORT_DOWNSCALE = Rvea0288.points.downscale_points
FORT_SET_HGTS = Rvea0288.generalization.set_hgts
FORT_TO_GEOWC = Rvea0288.points.generalize_geostrophic_points
FORT_GEOWC_TO_WWC = Rvea0288.points.downscale_geostrophic_to_wwc_points
FORT_GEOWC_TO_BWC = Rvea0288.points.downscale_geostrophic_to_bwc_points
FORT_PREDICT_BWC = Rvea0288.points.predict_bwc_points
FORT_PREDICT_WWC = Rvea0288.points.predict_wwc_points

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class InterpMethod(Enum):
    given = 0
    nearest = 1

class GeneralizationMethod(Enum):
    idealized = 0
    geostrophic = 1

[docs] @gwc_validate_wrapper def downscale_from_site_effects( genwc, site_effects, conf=None, interp_method="given", mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method="nearest", return_site_factors=False, add_met=False, ): """ Downscale a generalized wind climate using precalculated site effects Parameters ---------- genwc : xarray.Dataset Generalized wind climate xr.Dataset to downscale site_effects : xarray.Dataset Site effects dataset created from TopographyMap.rose_to_site_effects or TopographyMap.get_site_effects. conf : pw.wasp.Config Configuration information from WAsP interp_method : str, optional {'given','nearest','natural','linear'} String indicating interpolation method, by default None. 'None' tries to select the best interpolation method based on the spatial structure of the data. Please check documentation in the function :py:func:`pw.wasp.interpolate_gwc`. mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, default None If None use the CFSR reanalysis to obtain the mesoclimate, otherwise one can create a dataset using the :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` method mesoclimate_interp_method : str, optional Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default 'nearest' return_site_factors : bool Include the site_factors in the output? add_met : bool Calculate and include meteorlogical fields from add_met_fields in the output? Returns ------- xarray.Dataset PyWAsP formated xr.Dataset containing sectorwise A, k, frequency at site Notes ----- Run WAsP's wprms_nt function to perform the "down" part of the WAsP framework. This will take the generalized data and convert it to a site specific weibull distribution based on the local conditions. """ ############################################################################ # Interpolate Generalized wind climate if necessary ############################################################################ if conf is None: conf = Config() logger.debug("Interpolating GWC") genwc = interpolate_gwc(genwc, site_effects, interp_method) if genwc["gen_roughness"].max() < site_effects["z0meso"].max(): raise ValueError( """The mesoscale roughness 'z0meso' that is calculated from your map is higher than the generalized roughness in your generalized wind climate. Set a higher standard roughness length when using generalize by using the ´gen_roughnesses` argument.""" ) genwc = wksp.to_point(genwc).transpose( "sector", "gen_height", "gen_roughness", "point" ) ########################### # Convert output to points ########################### site_effects = wksp.spatial_stack(site_effects) site_effects = site_effects.transpose("sector", "point") if mesoclimate is None: logger.debug("Get mesoclimate") mesoclimate = get_climate_by_config( site_effects, conf, interp_method=mesoclimate_interp_method ) mesoclimate = wksp.spatial_stack(mesoclimate).transpose("sector", "point") # We need the latitude for coriolis calcuation latitude = wksp.get_latitude(site_effects) site_effects_fort = _prepare_site_effects_vars(site_effects) logger.debug("Run downscale core") A, k, wdfreq, ierr = FORT_DOWNSCALE( genwc["A"], genwc["k"], genwc["wdfreq"], genwc.coords["gen_roughness"], genwc.coords["gen_height"], site_effects_fort.user_def_speedups, site_effects_fort.orographic_speedups, site_effects_fort.obstacle_speedups, site_effects_fort.roughness_speedups, site_effects_fort.user_def_turnings, site_effects_fort.orographic_turnings, site_effects_fort.obstacle_turnings, site_effects_fort.roughness_turnings, site_effects_fort.height, site_effects_fort.z0meso, site_effects_fort.slfmeso, (site_effects_fort.displ + site_effects_fort.flow_sep_height).transpose( "sector", "point" ), mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_land, mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_land, mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_sea, mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_sea, mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_land, mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_sea, mesoclimate.mean_dgdz, mesoclimate.mean_dgdz_dir, latitude, conf.climate.param, ) _handle_fort_errors(ierr) output_dims = [["sector", "point"], ["sector", "point"], ["sector", "point"]] result_names = ("A", "k", "wdfreq") weibwc = site_effects[["point", "sector"]].drop_vars("point") for name, dim, darr in zip(result_names, output_dims, (A, k, wdfreq)): weibwc[name] = (dim, darr) weibwc[name].attrs["_pwio_data_is_2d"] = False weibwc = _format_wc_output(weibwc, site_effects, return_site_factors, add_met) return update_history(weibwc)
[docs] @gwc_validate_wrapper def downscale( genwc, topo_map, output_locs, conf=None, interp_method="given", mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method="nearest", return_site_factors=False, add_met=True, cfd_volume=None, ): """ Calculate site_effects, downscaled wind climate, and meteorlogical fields in a single step Parameters ---------- genwc : xarray.Dataset Generalized wind climate xr.Dataset to downscale topo_map : TopographyMap TopographyMap of the region to model output_locs : xarray.Dataset Locations to calculate at created using create_dataset conf : Config Configuration information from WAsP interp_method : str, optional String indicating interpolation method, by default None mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, default None If None use the ERA5 reanalysis to obtain the mesoclimate, otherwise one can create a dataset using the :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` method mesoclimate_interp_method : str, optional Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default 'nearest' return_site_factors : bool Include the site_factors in the output? add_met : bool Calculate and include meteorlogical fields from add_met_fields in the output? cfd_volume: xarray.Dataset or list of xarray.Datasets, default None WAsP CFD volume xarray dataset that is used for obtaining site effects Returns ------- xarray.Dataset PyWAsP formated xr.Dataset containing sectorwise A, k, frequency, total A and k at site. Optionally include speedups, rix, elevation and other site_factors, and/or wind speeds, air and power densities. Notes ----- Run WAsP's wprms_nt function to perform the "down" part of the WAsP framework. This will take the generalized data and convert it to a site specific weibull distribution based on the local conditions. """ if conf is None: conf = Config() ############################################################################ # Calculate speedups ############################################################################ logger.debug("Calculating Speedups") nsecs = genwc.sizes["sector"] if cfd_volume is None: site_effects = topo_map.get_site_effects(output_locs, conf, nsecs=nsecs) else: site_effects = get_site_effects_cfd(cfd_volume, output_locs, conf, nsecs=nsecs) logger.debug("Downscaling wind climate") # downscale_from_site_effects is called with flags = False, as this will be handler later wwc = downscale_from_site_effects( genwc, site_effects, conf=conf, interp_method=interp_method, mesoclimate=mesoclimate, mesoclimate_interp_method=mesoclimate_interp_method, return_site_factors=return_site_factors, add_met=add_met, ) return update_history(wwc)
[docs] def generalize_from_site_effects( bwc, site_effects, conf=None, gen_roughnesses=np.array([0, 0.03, 0.1, 0.4, 1.5]), gen_heights=np.array([10, 25, 50, 100, 250]), allow_multiple_heights=False, mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method="nearest", return_site_factors=False, ngbins=500, ): """Creates a generalized wind climate using atlas_nt Parameters ---------- bwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP xr.Dataset containing wind climate to be generalized site_effects : xarray.Dataset Site effects dataset created from TopographyMap.rose_to_site_effects or TopographyMap.get_site_effects. conf : Config PyWAsP configuration object gen_roughnesses : numpy, optional 1D array of roughnesses for the generalization, by default [0,0.03,0.1,0.4,1.5]. Must contain at least two unique items. gen_heights : numpy, optional 1D array of heights for the generalization, by default [10,25,50,100,250]. Must contain at least two unique items. allow_multiple_heights : bool, optional Allowing multiple heights, by default False (single height permitted) mesoclimate: xarray.Dataset, default None If None use the CFSR reanalysis to obtain the mesoclimate, otherwise one can create a dataset using the :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` method mesoclimate_interp_method : str, optional Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default 'linear' return_site_factors : bool Include the site_factors in the output? ngbins : int, optional The number of bins for the calculation of the geostrophic wind speed distribution, by default 500. Returns ------- gwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP generalized wind climate from the binned wind climate Notes ----- Run WAsP's atlas_nt function to perform the "up" part of the WAsP framework. This will take the histogram data and convert it to a generalized wind climate at the provided roughnesses and heights above ground. The resulting GenWindClimate will have the same dimensions as the input bin_wind climate, except when nsecs is specified with a different number of sectors than in the bwc. If allow_multiple_heights is set to True result will be a separate generalized results from each tabfile height this means that user will need to determine which gwc to use for each height before running downscale """ if conf is None: conf = Config()"Starting generalize function.") # Make sure no missing values exists in wsfreq and wdfreq if np.isnan(np.mean(bwc.wsfreq.values)): raise ValueError("Missing values in bwc!") # Default to only allowing 1 height for BWC unless user overrides if np.unique(bwc.height).size > 1 and (not allow_multiple_heights): if wksp.is_point(bwc): warnings.warn( "Multiple input heights detected. Make sure you only use gwc_interpolate(interp_method='given')." ) else: raise ValueError( "Mutiple input heights detected. If you fully understand the bahaviour of `interpolate_gwc` and `downscale` you may set allow_multiple_heights=True to continue using such a dataset." ) ########################## # Calculate the speed-ups ########################## site_effects = wksp.spatial_stack(site_effects) site_effects = site_effects.transpose("sector", "point") ########################################################################## # We will always work on point objects. This reduces the complexity of the # code paths that we have to deal with throughout this routine. # # NOTE: All reprojected datasets are by default point datasets. ###########################################################################"Converting dataset to point dataset.") bwc_stk = wksp.spatial_stack(bwc, wksp.get_crs(site_effects)) bwc_stk = bwc_stk.transpose("wsbin", "sector", "point") # The meridian_convergence is the angle between the projected map north # and the true geographic north (given by the meridians from pole to pole). # It is defined positive for clockwise rotation. Note that if you are using # the same projection for generalizing and downscaling your histogram you # can leave this parameter to 0.0. if "meridian_convergence" not in bwc_stk.keys(): bwc_stk["meridian_convergence"] = xr.full_like(bwc_stk["point"], 0.0) # We need the latitude for coriolis calcuation latitude = wksp.get_latitude(bwc_stk) ################################################################# # Create xarray objects of the requested heights and roughnesses #################################################################"Creating generalized data arrays.") if not isinstance(gen_heights, xr.DataArray): gen_heights = create_coords(gen_heights, "gen_height", _GEN_COORDS_META) if not isinstance(gen_roughnesses, xr.DataArray): gen_roughnesses = create_coords( gen_roughnesses, "gen_roughness", _GEN_COORDS_META ) if gen_roughnesses.min() != 0.0: raise ValueError("First generalized roughness length must always be 0.0") ################################ # get mesoscale climate of site ################################ if mesoclimate is None: logger.debug("Get mesoclimate") mesoclimate = get_climate_by_config( site_effects, conf, interp_method=mesoclimate_interp_method ) mesoclimate = wksp.spatial_stack(mesoclimate).transpose("sector", "point") site_effects_fort = _prepare_site_effects_vars(site_effects) # parameter 99 sets the initial height used in generalize for downward # extrapolation. By default 10 m. All other height are scaled using a # logprofile relative to this height. if site_effects_fort.z0meso.max() > conf.climate[99]: raise ValueError( "Your z0meso exceeds the first atlas height used in the generalization, please use a realistic z0meso." ) if gen_roughnesses.size < 2 or np.unique(gen_roughnesses).size <= 1: raise ValueError( "You must have at least two different generalized roughness length for your GWC calculation." ) if gen_heights.size < 2 or np.unique(gen_heights).size <= 1: raise ValueError( "You must have at least two different generalized heights for your GWC calculation." ) A, k, freq, ierr = FORT_GENERALIZE( bwc_stk.wsbin, bwc_stk.wsfreq.values, bwc_stk.wdfreq, bwc_stk.meridian_convergence, latitude, bwc_stk.height, ngbins, gen_roughnesses, gen_heights, site_effects_fort.user_def_speedups, site_effects_fort.orographic_speedups, site_effects_fort.obstacle_speedups, site_effects_fort.roughness_speedups, site_effects_fort.user_def_turnings, site_effects_fort.orographic_turnings, site_effects_fort.obstacle_turnings, site_effects_fort.roughness_turnings, site_effects_fort.z0meso, site_effects_fort.slfmeso, (site_effects_fort.displ + site_effects_fort.flow_sep_height).transpose( "sector", "point" ), mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_land, mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_land, mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_sea, mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_sea, mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_land, mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_sea, mesoclimate.mean_dgdz, mesoclimate.mean_dgdz_dir, conf.climate.param, ) _handle_fort_errors(ierr) ############################################### # Build output dataset from result data arrays ###############################################"Build output dataset.") result_names = ("A", "k", "wdfreq") result_dims = ( ("sector", "gen_height", "gen_roughness", "point"), ("sector", "gen_height", "gen_roughness", "point"), ("sector", "gen_height", "gen_roughness", "point"), ) gwc = wksp.create_dataset( site_effects.west_east, site_effects.south_north, site_effects.height, wksp.get_crs(site_effects), struct="point", ).drop_vars("output") gwc = gwc.assign_coords( { "sector": site_effects.sector, **create_coords(gen_roughnesses, "gen_roughness", _GEN_COORDS_META).coords, **create_coords(gen_heights, "gen_height", _GEN_COORDS_META).coords, } ) for name, dims, darr in zip(result_names, result_dims, (A, k, freq)): gwc[name] = (dims, darr, _WEIB_ATTRS[name]) gwc[name].attrs["_pwio_data_is_2d"] = True if bwc.height.size <= 1 else False gwc = _format_wc_output(gwc, site_effects, return_site_factors, add_met=False) gwc.attrs["title"] = "Generalized wind climate" return update_history(gwc)
def _format_wc_output(wc, site_effects, return_site_factors=False, add_met=True): """ Formats the wind climate (wc) output and optionally merges it with site effects and meteorological fields. Parameters ---------- wc : xarray.Dataset The wind climate data to be formatted. site_effects : xarray.Dataset The site effects data to be merged with the wind climate data. return_site_factors : bool If `True`, the function will return the site factors along with the wind climate data. Default `False` add_met : bool If `True`, the function will add meteorological fields to the wind climate data. Default `True` Returns ------- wc : xarray.Dataset The formatted wind climate data, optionally merged with site effects and meteorological fields. Notes ----- The function first unstacks the wind climate and site effects data to their old structure. Then, it assigns the correct metadata to the variables in the wind climate data. Depending on the values of ``return_site_factors`` and ``add_met``, it merges the wind climate data with the site effects data and/or adds meteorological fields to it. """ # make sure we can unstack to old structure bycopying attrs wc.attrs = site_effects.attrs wc = wksp.spatial_unstack(wc) # assing correct metadata to variables # currently all possible wind climates are in attrs attrs = {**_BWC_ATTRS, **_WEIB_ATTRS, **_GEOWC_ATTRS} wc = update_var_attrs(wc, attrs) site_effects = wksp.spatial_unstack(site_effects) if return_site_factors and add_met: logger.debug("Returning wc, site_factors, and met fields") output = xr.merge([site_effects, wc]) wc = add_met_fields(output) elif return_site_factors: logger.debug("Returning wc, site_factors") wc = xr.merge([site_effects, wc]) elif add_met: logger.debug("Returning wc and met fields") wc["site_elev"] = site_effects["site_elev"] wc = add_met_fields(wc) else: logger.debug("Returning wc") wc["site_elev"] = site_effects["site_elev"] return wc
[docs] def generalize( bwc, topo_map, conf=None, gen_roughnesses=np.array([0, 0.03, 0.1, 0.4, 1.5]), gen_heights=np.array([10, 25, 50, 100, 250]), nsecs=None, allow_multiple_heights=False, mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method="nearest", return_site_factors=False, cfd_volume=None, ngbins=500, ): """ Generalizes the wind climate using either the BZ model or a CFD volume. Parameters ---------- bwc : xarray.Dataset The binned wind climate to be generalized. topo_map : TopographyMap The topographic map used to calculate site effects. conf : pw.Config, optional The configuration object for the model, by default None. gen_roughnesses : np.array, optional The roughness lengths for which the wind climate is generalized, by default [0, 0.03, 0.1, 0.4, 1.5]. Must contain at least two unique items. gen_heights : np.array, optional The heights for which the wind climate is generalized, by default [10, 25, 50, 100, 250]. Must contain at least two unique items. nsecs : int, optional The number of sectors for the site effects, by default None. allow_multiple_heights : bool, optional If True, allows multiple heights for the generalized wind climate, by default False. mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, optional The mesoclimate for the input locations, by default None. mesoclimate_interp_method : str, optional The interpolation method for the mesoclimate, by default 'nearest'. return_site_factors : bool, optional If True, returns the site factors along with the wind climate data, by default False. cfd_volume: xarray.Dataset or list of xarray.Datasets, default None The CFD volume(s) used to calculate site effects, by default None. ngbins : int, optional The number of bins for the calculation of the geostrophic wind speed distribution, by default 500. Returns ------- gwc : xarray.Dataset The generalized wind climate. Notes ----- The function first calculates the site effects using either the BZ model or a CFD volume. Then, it generalizes the wind climate from the site effects. CFD volume must be read using :py:func:`wk.read_cfdres`. Depending on the value of ``return_site_factors``, it may also return the site factors. """ # set the model configuration to default if not provided if conf is None: conf = Config() if nsecs is None: nsecs = bwc.sizes["sector"] # calculate site effects from either CFD volume or using the BZ model if cfd_volume is None: site_effects = topo_map.get_site_effects(bwc, conf, nsecs=nsecs) else: site_effects = get_site_effects_cfd(cfd_volume, bwc, conf, nsecs=nsecs) logger.debug("Generalizing wind climate") # downscale_from_site_effects is called with flags = False, as this will be handler later gwc = generalize_from_site_effects( bwc, site_effects, conf=conf, gen_roughnesses=gen_roughnesses, gen_heights=gen_heights, allow_multiple_heights=allow_multiple_heights, mesoclimate=mesoclimate, mesoclimate_interp_method=mesoclimate_interp_method, return_site_factors=return_site_factors, ngbins=ngbins, ) logger.debug("Returning gwc") return update_history(gwc)
def generalize_and_downscale( bwc, topo_map, output_locs, generalize_kwargs={}, downscale_kwargs={} ): """Creates a generalized wind climate using atlas_nt, calculate site_effects, downscale wind climate, and add meteorlogical fields in a single step. .. warning:: The `pw.wasp.generalize_and_downscale' function is replaced by `pw.wasp.predict_wwc` and will be removed in a future version. Parameters ---------- output_locs : xarray.Dataset Pywasp xarray.Dataset containging the output locations. bwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP xarray.Dataset containing wind climate to be generalized and downscaled topo_map : TopographyMap Topographical map covering the area represented by the bwc generalize_kwargs : dict Additional arguments for the generalize function. If gen_heights is not set, the unique output heights from the output_locs will be used. This will reduce the interpolation error in the downscaling. downscale_kwargs : dict Additional arguments for the downscale function. Returns ------- wwc : xarray.Dataset Weibull wind climate containing sectorwise A, k, frequency, total A and k at site. Optionally include speedups, rix, elevation and other site_factors, and/or wind speeds, air and power densities. """ warnings.warn( "The 'generalize_and_downscale' function is replaced by 'predict_wwc' and will be removed in a future version. " + "Use 'predict_wwc' instead.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # if generalize_kwargs are not set, set them to the unique output heights # it would be nice to set the generalized roughnesses also, but we cannot be sure # that the z0meso is included in the output. We could use the generalize_from_site_effects # functions below, but since this function is deprecated I did not do that. if generalize_kwargs.get("gen_heights", None) is None: generalize_kwargs["gen_heights"] = set_hgts( bwc["height"], output_locs["height"] ) if downscale_kwargs.get("interp_method", None) is None: downscale_kwargs["interp_method"] = "nearest" gwc = generalize(bwc, topo_map, **generalize_kwargs) wwc = downscale(gwc, topo_map, output_locs, **downscale_kwargs) return wwc
[docs] def set_hgts(height_from=None, height_to=None, n=5): """Set generalized lib heights automatically .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- height_from : numpy, optional 1D array of heights of source site in meter, by default None height_to : numpy, optional 1D array of heights of target site in meter, by default None Returns ------- zst: numpy 1D array of standard heights Notes ----- The standard heights are set according to the following procedure: - we always know the height where we generalize from, so this is a required argument and the height of standard heights that is closest to this value is modified to height_from. - if we also know the height where we apply our generalize climate it can be specified The standard heights used in WAsP are [10., 25., 50., 100., 200.]. These heights should span typical turbine heights and are for applying the generalized wind climate: it will interpolate from the four cornerpoints in which the target height and roughness are located by simple logarithmic interpolation. The generalized standard values are set by selecting the percentiles corresponding to the number of intervals n. So for n=5, elements at 0, 0.2, ... 1.0 etc are chosen. """ if n < 2 or n > 5: raise ValueError("Must have 2 to 5 entries in generalized heights") if height_from is None and height_to is None: # standard heights from classic EWA WAsP zst, nz = [10.0, 25.0, 50.0, 100.0, 200.0], 5 else: z1 = np.ravel(height_from) z2 = np.ravel(height_to) all_z = np.concatenate([z1, z2]) all_z = all_z[all_z != np.array(None)] zst, nz = FORT_SET_HGTS(all_z, n, 10.0) return zst[:nz]
[docs] def set_z0s(z0meso_from=None, z0meso_to=None, n=5): """Set generalized lib roughness lengths automatically Parameters ---------- z0meso_from : numpy 1D array of mesoscale roughness length for each sector of source site in meter z0meso_to : numpy, optional 1D array of mesoscale roughness length for each sector of target site in meter, by default None Returns ------- z0st: numpy 1D array of standard heights used for roughness length Notes ----- The generalized standard values are set by selecting the percentiles corresponding to the number of intervals n. So for n=5, elements at 0, 0.2, ... 1.0 etc are chosen. """ if n < 2 or n > 5: raise ValueError("Must have 2 to 5 entries in generalized roughnesses") if z0meso_from is None and z0meso_to is None: z0st, nz0 = [0.0, 0.03, 0.01, 0.4, 1.5], 5 else: z0_1 = np.ravel(z0meso_to) z0_2 = np.ravel(z0meso_from) all_z0 = np.concatenate([z0_1, z0_2]) all_z0 = all_z0[all_z0 != np.array(None)] z0st, nz0 = FORT_SET_HGTS(all_z0, n, 0.0) return z0st[:nz0]
[docs] def generalize_from_site_effects_to_geowc( bwc, site_effects, conf=None, mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method="nearest", return_site_factors=True, as_wv_count=True, ngbins=500, ): """Creates a generalized wind climate using atlas_nt .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- bwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP xr.Dataset containing wind climate to be generalized site_effects : xarray.Dataset Site effects dataset conf : Config PyWAsP configuration object mesoclimate: xarray.Dataset, default None If None use the CFSR reanalysis to obtain the mesoclimate, otherwise one can create a dataset using the :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` method mesoclimate_interp_method : str, optional Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default 'linear' return_site_factors : bool, optional If True, return site factors along with the wind climate data as_wv_count : bool return the wind climate as a wv_count object or as a standard binned wind climate ngbins : int, optional Number of bins for the wind speed distribution, by default 500 Returns ------- geo_wc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP geostrophic wind climate Notes ----- Run WAsP to perform the generalization to a geostrophic wind climate. The resulting geostrophic wind climate will have the same dimensions as the input bin_wind climate, except when nsecs is specified with a different number of sectors than in the bwc. """"Starting generalize function.") if conf is None: conf = Config() # Make sure no missing values exists in wsfreq and wdfreq if np.isnan(np.mean(bwc.wsfreq.values)): raise ValueError("Missing values in bwc!") ########################## # Calculate the speed-ups ########################## site_effects = wksp.spatial_stack(site_effects) site_effects = site_effects.transpose("sector", "point") ########################################################################## # We will always work on point objects. This reduces the complexity of the # code paths that we have to deal with throughout this routine. # # NOTE: All reprojected datasets are by default point datasets. ###########################################################################"Converting dataset to point dataset.") bwc_stk = wksp.spatial_stack(bwc, wksp.get_crs(site_effects)) bwc_stk = bwc_stk.transpose("wsbin", "sector", "point") # The meridian_convergence is the angle between the projected map north # and the true geographic north (given by the meridians from pole to pole). # It is defined positive for clockwise rotation. Note that if you are using # the same projection for generalizing and downscaling your histogram you # can leave this parameter to 0.0. if "meridian_convergence" not in bwc_stk.keys(): bwc_stk["meridian_convergence"] = xr.full_like(bwc_stk["point"], 0.0) # We need the latitude for coriolis calcuation up_latitude = wksp.get_latitude(bwc_stk) ################################ # get mesoscale climate of site ################################ if mesoclimate is None:"Getting the mesoclimate") mesoclimate = get_climate_by_config( bwc_stk, conf, interp_method=mesoclimate_interp_method ) mesoclimate = wksp.spatial_stack(mesoclimate).transpose("sector", "point") site_effects_fort = _prepare_site_effects_vars(site_effects) ( dg, gd, gf, ierror, ) = FORT_TO_GEOWC( bwc_stk.wsbin, bwc_stk.wsfreq.values, bwc_stk.wdfreq, bwc_stk.meridian_convergence, up_latitude, bwc_stk.height, site_effects_fort.user_def_speedups, site_effects_fort.orographic_speedups, site_effects_fort.obstacle_speedups, site_effects_fort.roughness_speedups, site_effects_fort.user_def_turnings, site_effects_fort.orographic_turnings, site_effects_fort.obstacle_turnings, site_effects_fort.roughness_turnings, site_effects_fort.z0meso, site_effects_fort.slfmeso, (site_effects_fort.displ + site_effects_fort.flow_sep_height).transpose( "sector", "point" ), mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_land, mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_land, mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_sea, mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_sea, mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_land, mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_sea, mesoclimate.mean_dgdz, mesoclimate.mean_dgdz_dir, conf.climate.param, ngbins, ) _handle_fort_errors(ierror) ############################################### # Build output dataset from result data arrays ###############################################"Build output dataset.") result_names = ("geo_turn", "geo_wv_freq") result_dims = 2 * (("wsbin", "sector", "point"),) geo_wc = wksp.create_dataset( site_effects_fort.west_east, site_effects_fort.south_north, site_effects_fort.height, wksp.get_crs(site_effects_fort), struct="point", ).drop_vars("output") geo_wc.coords["sector"] = wk.sector.create_sector_coords( site_effects_fort.sector.size ).coords["sector"] # manually create wsbin coordinate geo_wc.coords["wsbin"] = wk.sector.create_ws_bin_coords(dg, nws=ngbins) for name, dims, darr in zip(result_names, result_dims, (gd, gf)): geo_wc[name] = (dims, darr, _GEOWC_ATTRS[name]) # due to numerical noise we can have negative frequencies, we set these to zero geo_wc["geo_wv_freq"] = geo_wc["geo_wv_freq"].where(geo_wc["geo_wv_freq"] >= 0, 0.0) if not as_wv_count: wv = geo_wc.rename({"geo_wv_freq": "wv_count"}) geo_wc = _normalize_hist(wv) geo_wc = _format_wc_output( geo_wc, site_effects_fort, return_site_factors, add_met=False ) geo_wc.attrs["title"] = "Geostrophic wind climate" return update_history(geo_wc)
[docs] def downscale_from_geostrophic_and_site_effects_to_wwc( geowc, site_effects, conf=None, interp_method="given", mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method="nearest", return_site_factors=False, add_met=False, ): """ Downscale a geostrophic wind climate using precalculated site effects .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- geowc : xarray.Dataset Geostrophic wind climate to downscale site_effects : xarray.Dataset Site effects dataset created from TopographyMap.get_site_effects or TopographyMap.rose_to_site_effects. conf : Config Configuration information from WAsP interp_method : str, optional {'nearest', None} String indicating interpolation method, by default None mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, default None If None use the ERA5 reanalysis to obtain the mesoclimate, otherwise one can create a dataset using the :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` method mesoclimate_interp_method : str, optional Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default 'linear' return_site_factors : bool, optional If True, return site factors along with the wind climate data add_met : bool, optional If True, add meteorological fields to the wind climate data Returns ------- xarray.Dataset PyWAsP formated xr.Dataset containing a weibull wind climate Notes ----- This will take a geostrophic binned wind climate and convert it to a site specific weibull distribution based on the local conditions. """ if conf is None: conf = Config() logger.debug("Interpolating GWC") # we must use the windkit engine, because the fortran engine does not # allow interpolating geostrophic wind climates geowc = interpolate_gwc(geowc, site_effects, interp_method, engine="windkit") geowc = wksp.to_point(geowc).transpose("wsbin", "sector", "point") # Convert output to points site_effects = wksp.spatial_stack(site_effects) site_effects = site_effects.transpose("sector", "point") if mesoclimate is None:"Getting the mesoclimate") mesoclimate = get_climate_by_config( site_effects, conf, interp_method=mesoclimate_interp_method ) mesoclimate = wksp.spatial_stack(mesoclimate).transpose("sector", "point") # We need the latitude for coriolis calcuation latitude = wksp.get_latitude(site_effects) site_effects_fort = _prepare_site_effects_vars(site_effects) logger.debug("Run downscale core") A, k, wdfreq, ierr = FORT_GEOWC_TO_WWC( geowc["wsbin"].values[1] - geowc["wsbin"].values[0], geowc["geo_turn"], geowc["geo_wv_freq"], latitude, geowc["height"], site_effects_fort.height, site_effects_fort.user_def_speedups, site_effects_fort.orographic_speedups, site_effects_fort.obstacle_speedups, site_effects_fort.roughness_speedups, site_effects_fort.user_def_turnings, site_effects_fort.orographic_turnings, site_effects_fort.obstacle_turnings, site_effects_fort.roughness_turnings, geowc.z0meso, geowc.slfmeso, (geowc.displ + geowc.flow_sep_height).transpose("sector", "point"), site_effects_fort.z0meso, site_effects_fort.slfmeso, (site_effects_fort.displ + site_effects_fort.flow_sep_height).transpose( "sector", "point" ), mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_land, mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_land, mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_sea, mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_sea, mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_land, mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_sea, mesoclimate.mean_dgdz, mesoclimate.mean_dgdz_dir, conf.climate.param, ) _handle_fort_errors(ierr) output_dims = [["sector", "point"], ["sector", "point"], ["sector", "point"]] result_names = ("A", "k", "wdfreq") weibwc = site_effects[["point", "sector"]].drop_vars("point") for name, dim, darr in zip(result_names, output_dims, (A, k, wdfreq)): weibwc[name] = (dim, darr) weibwc[name].attrs["_pwio_data_is_2d"] = False weibwc = _format_wc_output(weibwc, site_effects, return_site_factors, add_met) return update_history(weibwc)
[docs] def downscale_from_geostrophic_and_site_effects_to_bwc( geowc, site_effects, conf=None, interp_method="given", mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method="nearest", return_site_factors=False, add_met=False, bin_width=1.0, ): """ Downscale a geostrophic wind climate using precalculated site effects .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- geowc : xarray.Dataset Geostrophic wind climate to downscale site_effects : xarray.Dataset Site effects dataset created from TopographyMap.get_site_effects or TopographyMap.rose_to_site_effects. conf : Config Configuration information from WAsP interp_method : str, optional {'nearest', 'given'} String indicating interpolation method, by default 'given'. mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, default None If None use the ERA5 reanalysis to obtain the mesoclimate, otherwise one can create a dataset using the :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` method mesoclimate_interp_method : str, optional Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default 'linear' return_site_factors : bool, optional If True, return site factors along with the wind climate data add_met : bool, optional If True, add meteorological fields to the wind climate data Returns ------- xarray.Dataset PyWAsP formated xr.Dataset containing a weibull wind climate Notes ----- This will take a geostrophic binned wind climate and convert it to a site specific weibull distribution based on the local conditions. """ if conf is None: conf = Config() logger.debug("Interpolating GWC") # we must use the windkit engine, because the fortran engine does not # allow interpolating geostrophic wind climates geowc = interpolate_gwc(geowc, site_effects, interp_method, engine="windkit") geowc = wksp.to_point(geowc).transpose("wsbin", "sector", "point") # Convert output to points site_effects = wksp.spatial_stack(site_effects) site_effects = site_effects.transpose("sector", "point") if mesoclimate is None:"Getting the mesoclimate") mesoclimate = get_climate_by_config( site_effects, conf, interp_method=mesoclimate_interp_method ) mesoclimate = wksp.spatial_stack(mesoclimate).transpose("sector", "point") # We need the latitude for coriolis calcuation latitude = wksp.get_latitude(site_effects) site_effects_fort = _prepare_site_effects_vars(site_effects) logger.debug("Run downscale core") nbins, wsfreq, wdfreq, ierr = FORT_GEOWC_TO_BWC( geowc["wsbin"].values[1] - geowc["wsbin"].values[0], geowc["geo_turn"], geowc["geo_wv_freq"], latitude, geowc["height"], site_effects_fort.height, site_effects_fort.user_def_speedups, site_effects_fort.orographic_speedups, site_effects_fort.obstacle_speedups, site_effects_fort.roughness_speedups, site_effects_fort.user_def_turnings, site_effects_fort.orographic_turnings, site_effects_fort.obstacle_turnings, site_effects_fort.roughness_turnings, geowc.z0meso, geowc.slfmeso, (geowc.displ + geowc.flow_sep_height).transpose("sector", "point"), site_effects_fort.z0meso, site_effects_fort.slfmeso, (site_effects_fort.displ + site_effects_fort.flow_sep_height).transpose( "sector", "point" ), mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_land, mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_land, mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_sea, mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_sea, mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_land, mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_sea, mesoclimate.mean_dgdz, mesoclimate.mean_dgdz_dir, bin_width, conf.climate.param, ) _handle_fort_errors(ierr) bwc = wksp.create_dataset( site_effects.west_east, site_effects.south_north, site_effects.height, wksp.get_crs(site_effects), struct="point", ).drop_vars("output") bwc.coords["sector"] = wk.sector.create_sector_coords( site_effects.sector.size ).coords["sector"] bwc.coords["wsbin"] = wk.sector.create_ws_bin_coords(bin_width, nbins).coords[ "wsbin" ] bwc["wsfreq"] = ( ("wsbin", "sector", "point"), wsfreq[0:nbins, :, :], _BWC_ATTRS["wsfreq"], ) bwc["wdfreq"] = (("sector", "point"), wdfreq, _BWC_ATTRS["wdfreq"]) # due to numerical noise we can have negative frequencies, we set these to zero if (bwc["wsfreq"] < 0).any(): bwc["wsfreq"] = bwc["wsfreq"].where(bwc["wsfreq"] >= 0, 0.0) bwc = _format_wc_output(bwc, site_effects, return_site_factors, add_met) logger.debug("Returning binned wind climate") return update_history(bwc)
[docs] def predict_wwc( bwc, topo_map, output_locs, conf=None, nsecs=None, generalization_method="idealized", interp_method="given", input_mesoclimate=None, output_mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method="nearest", return_site_factors=False, add_met=True, cfd_volume=None, adapt_gwc=True, ngbins=500, ): """Predict a weibull wind climate from a binned wind climate using a topography map .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- bwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP xr.Dataset containing wind climate to be generalized topo_map : TopographyMap TopographyMap of the region to model output_locs : xarray.Dataset Output locations in one of the windkit spatial structures (point, stacked_point, cuboid) conf : Config, optional PyWAsP configuration object nsecs: int, optional Number of sector for which the terrain is analyzed. By default, the same number of sectors as the provided bwc generalization_method : {"geostrophic", "idealized"} By default "geostrophic", i.e use a binned geostrophic wind climate as intermediate format, if "idealized" use a generalized wind climate (gwc) as intermediate, i.e. the geostrophic wind climate is transformed using the classic method described in the European wind atlas. interp_method : {"given", "nearest"} Interpolation method for site effects, by default 'given'. input_mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, optional Mesoclimate for the input locations. If None uses :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` to obtain an mesoclimate from reanalysis. output_mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, optional Mesoclimate for the output locations. If None uses :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` to obtain an mesoclimate from reanalysis. mesoclimate_interp_method : str, optional Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default 'nearest' return_site_factors : bool, optional If True, return site factors along with the wind climate data add_met : bool, optional If True, add meteorological fields to the wind climate data cfd_volume: xarray.Dataset or list of xarray.Datasets, default None WAsP CFD volume xarray dataset that is used for obtaining site effects. By default None, meaning the site effects are calculated using the linear BZ model using `get_site_effects`. adapt_gwc : boolean, True Adapt the standard heights and roughnesses in the gwc to match those of the input and output site_effects. Only active when generalization_method is "idealized". ngbins : int, optional Number of bins for the wind speed distribution, by default 500 Returns ------- wwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP weibull wind climate for the locations provided in output_site_effects Notes ----- This function takes binned wind climates and predicts weibull wind climates at other locations by first generalizing the input binned wind climate from local site effects (``input_site_effects``) using the WAsP methodology and then dowscaling at other locations with provided local site effects (``outut_site_effects``). The resulting wind climate will have the same number of sectors as the input binned wind climate, except when nsecs is specified with a different number of sectors than in the bwc. The number of wind speed bins in the output wind climate is determined automatically and the number is increased automatically if the wind speeds in the histogram exceed that maximum number of bins. The bin width in the output histogram is constant and control by the bin_width argument. """ if nsecs is None: nsecs = bwc.sizes["sector"]"Obtaining microscale speedups.") if cfd_volume is None: site_effects_in = topo_map.get_site_effects(bwc, conf, nsecs=nsecs) site_effects_out = topo_map.get_site_effects(output_locs, conf, nsecs=nsecs) else: site_effects_in = get_site_effects_cfd(cfd_volume, bwc, conf, nsecs=nsecs) site_effects_out = get_site_effects_cfd( cfd_volume, output_locs, conf, nsecs=nsecs ) wwc = predict_wwc_from_site_effects( bwc, site_effects_in, site_effects_out, conf, generalization_method, interp_method, input_mesoclimate, output_mesoclimate, mesoclimate_interp_method, return_site_factors, add_met, adapt_gwc, ngbins, ) return update_history(wwc)
[docs] def predict_wwc_from_site_effects( bwc, input_site_effects, output_site_effects, conf=None, generalization_method="idealized", interp_method="given", input_mesoclimate=None, output_mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method="nearest", return_site_factors=False, add_met=True, adapt_gwc=True, ngbins=500, ): """Predict a weibull wind climate from a binned wind climate using precalculated site effects .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- bwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP xr.Dataset containing wind climate to be generalized input_site_effects : xarray.Dataset Site effects for the input locations output_site_effects : xarray.Dataset Site effects for the output locations conf : Config, optional PyWAsP configuration object generalization_method : {"geostrophic", "idealized"} By default "geostrophic", i.e use a binned geostrophic wind climate as intermediate format, if "idealized" use a generalized wind climate (gwc) as intermediate, i.e. the geostrophic wind climate is transformed using the classic method described in the European wind atlas. interp_method : {"given", "nearest"} Interpolation method for site effects, by default 'given'. input_mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, optional Mesoclimate for the input locations. If None uses :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` to obtain an mesoclimate from reanalysis. output_mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, optional Mesoclimate for the output locations. If None uses :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` to obtain an mesoclimate from reanalysis. mesoclimate_interp_method : str, optional Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default 'nearest' return_site_factors : bool, optional If True, return site factors along with the wind climate data add_met : bool, optional If True, add meteorological fields to the wind climate data adapt_gwc : boolean, True Adapt the standard heights and roughnesses in the gwc to match those of the input and output site_effects. Only active when generalization_method is "idealized". ngbins : int, optional Number of bins for the wind speed distribution, by default 500 Returns ------- wwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP weibull wind climate for the locations provided in output_site_effects Notes ----- This function takes binned wind climates and predicts weibull wind climates at other locations by first generalizing the input binned wind climate from local site effects (``input_site_effects``) using the WAsP methodology and then dowscaling at other locations with provided local site effects (``output_site_effects``). The resulting wind climate will have the same number of sectors as the input binned wind climate, except when nsecs is specified with a different number of sectors than in the bwc. The number of wind speed bins in the output wind climate is determined automatically and the number is increased automatically if the wind speeds in the histogram exceed that maximum number of bins. The bin width in the output histogram is constant and control by the bin_width argument. """ if conf is None: conf = Config()"Starting generalize function.") # Make sure no missing values exists in wsfreq and wdfreq if np.isnan(np.mean(bwc.wsfreq.values)): raise ValueError("Missing values in bwc!") input_site_effects = wksp.spatial_stack(input_site_effects) input_site_effects = input_site_effects.transpose("sector", "point") output_site_effects = wksp.spatial_stack(output_site_effects) output_site_effects = output_site_effects.transpose("sector", "point") ########################################################################## # We will always work on point objects. This reduces the complexity of the # code paths that we have to deal with throughout this routine. # # NOTE: All reprojected datasets are by default point datasets. ###########################################################################"Converting dataset to point dataset.") bwc_stk = wksp.spatial_stack(bwc, wksp.get_crs(input_site_effects)) bwc_stk = bwc_stk.transpose("wsbin", "sector", "point") if interp_method not in ["given", "nearest"]: raise ValueError( f"Unknown method ({interp_method}). Possible methods are 'given' and 'nearest'." ) not_same_nr_points = ( input_site_effects.sizes["point"] != output_site_effects.sizes["point"] ) if not_same_nr_points and interp_method == "given" and bwc_stk.sizes["point"] > 1: raise ValueError( f"You have to specify a interpolation method if your input and output dataset are not the same ({bwc.sizes['point']} vs. {output_site_effects.sizes['point']})" ) # The meridian_convergence is the angle between the projected map north # and the true geographic north (given by the meridians from pole to pole). # It is defined positive for clockwise rotation. Note that if you are using # the same projection for generalizing and downscaling your histogram you # can leave this parameter to 0.0. if "meridian_convergence" not in bwc_stk.keys(): bwc_stk["meridian_convergence"] = xr.full_like(bwc_stk["point"], 0.0) # We need the latitude for coriolis calcuation up_latitude = wksp.get_latitude(bwc_stk) down_latitude = wksp.get_latitude(output_site_effects) ################################ # get mesoscale climate of site ################################ if input_mesoclimate is None: logger.debug("Get mesoclimate") input_mesoclimate = get_climate_by_config( bwc_stk, conf, interp_method=mesoclimate_interp_method ) if output_mesoclimate is None: output_mesoclimate = get_climate_by_config( output_site_effects, conf, interp_method=mesoclimate_interp_method ) up_mesoclimate = wksp.spatial_stack(input_mesoclimate).transpose("sector", "point") down_mesoclimate = wksp.spatial_stack(output_mesoclimate).transpose( "sector", "point" ) input_site_effects_fort = _prepare_site_effects_vars(input_site_effects) output_site_effects_fort = _prepare_site_effects_vars(output_site_effects) A, k, freq, ierror = FORT_PREDICT_WWC( bwc_stk.west_east, bwc_stk.south_north, bwc_stk.height, output_site_effects_fort.west_east, output_site_effects_fort.south_north, output_site_effects_fort.height, bwc_stk.wsbin, bwc_stk.wsfreq.values, bwc_stk.wdfreq, bwc_stk.meridian_convergence, up_latitude, down_latitude, ngbins, input_site_effects_fort.user_def_speedups, input_site_effects_fort.orographic_speedups, input_site_effects_fort.obstacle_speedups, input_site_effects_fort.roughness_speedups, input_site_effects_fort.user_def_turnings, input_site_effects_fort.orographic_turnings, input_site_effects_fort.obstacle_turnings, input_site_effects_fort.roughness_turnings, input_site_effects_fort.z0meso, input_site_effects_fort.slfmeso, ( input_site_effects_fort.displ + input_site_effects_fort.flow_sep_height ).transpose("sector", "point"), output_site_effects_fort.user_def_speedups, output_site_effects_fort.orographic_speedups, output_site_effects_fort.obstacle_speedups, output_site_effects_fort.roughness_speedups, output_site_effects_fort.user_def_turnings, output_site_effects_fort.orographic_turnings, output_site_effects_fort.obstacle_turnings, output_site_effects_fort.roughness_turnings, output_site_effects_fort.z0meso, output_site_effects_fort.slfmeso, ( output_site_effects_fort.displ + output_site_effects_fort.flow_sep_height ).transpose("sector", "point"), up_mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_land, up_mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_land, up_mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_sea, up_mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_sea, up_mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_land, up_mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_sea, up_mesoclimate.mean_dgdz, up_mesoclimate.mean_dgdz_dir, down_mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_land, down_mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_land, down_mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_sea, down_mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_sea, down_mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_land, down_mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_sea, down_mesoclimate.mean_dgdz, down_mesoclimate.mean_dgdz_dir, GeneralizationMethod[generalization_method].value, int(adapt_gwc), InterpMethod[interp_method].value, conf.climate.param, ) _handle_fort_errors(ierror) ############################################### # Build output dataset from result data arrays ###############################################"Build output dataset.") result_names = ("A", "k", "wdfreq") result_dims = ( ("sector", "point"), ("sector", "point"), ("sector", "point"), ) wwc = wksp.create_dataset( output_site_effects.west_east, output_site_effects.south_north, output_site_effects.height, wksp.get_crs(output_site_effects), struct="point", ).drop_vars("output") wwc.coords["sector"] = wk.sector.create_sector_coords( output_site_effects.sector.size ).coords["sector"] for name, dims, darr in zip(result_names, result_dims, (A, k, freq)): wwc[name] = (dims, darr, _WEIB_ATTRS[name]) wwc[name].attrs["_pwio_data_is_2d"] = ( True if output_site_effects.height.size <= 1 else False ) wwc = _format_wc_output(wwc, output_site_effects, return_site_factors, add_met) return update_history(wwc)
[docs] def predict_bwc( bwc, topo_map, output_locs, conf=None, nsecs=None, interp_method="given", input_mesoclimate=None, output_mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method="nearest", return_site_factors=False, add_met=True, cfd_volume=None, bin_width=1.0, ngbins=500, ): """Predict a binned wind climate from a binned wind climate using a topography map for given output locations .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- bwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP xr.Dataset containing wind climate to be generalized topo_map : TopographyMap TopographyMap of the region to model output_locs : xarray.Dataset Output locations in one of the windkit spatial structures (point, stacked_point, cuboid) conf : Config, optional PyWAsP configuration object nsecs: int, optional Number of sector for which the terrain is analyzed. By default, the same number of sectors as the provided bwc generalization_method : {"geostrophic", "idealized"} By default "geostrophic", i.e use a binned geostrophic wind climate as intermediate format, if "idealized" use a generalized wind climate (gwc) as intermediate, i.e. the geostrophic wind climate is transformed using the classic method described in the European wind atlas. interp_method : {"given", "nearest"} Interpolation method for site effects, by default 'given'. input_mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, optional Mesoclimate for the input locations. If None uses :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` to obtain an mesoclimate from reanalysis. output_mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, optional Mesoclimate for the output locations. If None uses :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` to obtain an mesoclimate from reanalysis. mesoclimate_interp_method : str, optional Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default 'nearest' return_site_factors : bool, optional If True, return site factors along with the wind climate data add_met : bool, optional If True, add meteorological fields to the wind climate data cfd_volume: xarray.Dataset or list of xarray.Datasets, default None WAsP CFD volume xarray dataset that is used for obtaining site effects. By default None, meaning the site effects are calculated using the linear BZ model using `get_site_effects`. adapt_gwc : boolean, True Adapt the standard heights and roughnesses in the gwc to match those of the input and output site_effects. Only active when generalization_method is "idealized". ngbins : int, optional Number of bins for the wind speed distribution, by default 500 Returns ------- out_bwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP binned wind climate for the locations provided in output_site_effects Notes ----- This function takes binned wind climates and predicts binned wind climates at other locations by first generalizing the input binned wind climate from local site effects (``input_site_effects``) using the WAsP methodology and then dowscaling at other locations with provided local site effects (``output_site_effects``). The resulting wind climate will have the same number of sectors as the input binned wind climate, except when nsecs is specified with a different number of sectors than in the bwc. The number of wind speed bins in the output wind climate is determined automatically and the number is increased automatically if the wind speeds in the histogram exceed that maximum number of bins. The bin width in the output histogram is constant and control by the bin_width argument. """ if nsecs is None: nsecs = bwc.sizes["sector"]"Obtaining microscale speedups.") if cfd_volume is None: site_effects_in = topo_map.get_site_effects(bwc, conf, nsecs=nsecs) site_effects_out = topo_map.get_site_effects(output_locs, conf, nsecs=nsecs) else: site_effects_in = get_site_effects_cfd(cfd_volume, bwc, conf, nsecs=nsecs) site_effects_out = get_site_effects_cfd( cfd_volume, output_locs, conf, nsecs=nsecs ) out_bwc = predict_bwc_from_site_effects( bwc, site_effects_in, site_effects_out, conf, interp_method, input_mesoclimate, output_mesoclimate, mesoclimate_interp_method, return_site_factors, add_met, bin_width, ngbins, ) return update_history(out_bwc)
[docs] def predict_bwc_from_site_effects( bwc, input_site_effects, output_site_effects, conf=None, interp_method="given", input_mesoclimate=None, output_mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method="nearest", return_site_factors=False, add_met=True, bin_width=1.0, ngbins=500, ): """Creates a generalized wind climate using atlas_nt .. warning:: This function is experimental and its signature may change. Parameters ---------- bwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP xr.Dataset containing wind climate to be generalized topo_map : TopographyMap Topographical map covering the area represented by the bwc output_locs : xarray.Dataset Windkit spatial structure with output locations conf : Config PyWAsP configuration object interp_method : {'given', 'nearest'} Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default 'given'. This requires the input points to be the same as the output points. 'nearest' uses nearest neighbour lookup for each output point. input_mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, default None If None use the ERA5 reanalysis to obtain the mesoclimate, otherwise one can create a dataset using the :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` method output_mesoclimate : xarray.Dataset, default None If None use the ERA5 reanalysis to obtain the mesoclimate, otherwise one can create a dataset using the :py:func:`pw.wasp.get_climate` method mesoclimate_interp_method : str, optional Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default 'linear' return_site_factors : bool, optional If True, return site factors along with the wind climate data add_met : bool, optional If True, add meteorological fields to the wind climate data bin_width : float, default 1.0 bin width in the output histogram. ngbins: int Number of bins in geostrophic wind climate. The maximum geostrophic wind is found from the input histogram and ``ngbins`` are created between 0 and that value. Returns ------- bwc : xarray.Dataset PyWAsP binned wind climate for the locations provided in output_site_effects Notes ----- This function takes binned wind climates and predicts binned wind climates at other locations by first generalizing the input binned wind climate from local site effects (``input_site_effects``) using the WAsP methodology and then dowscaling at other locations with provided local site effects (``output_site_effects``). The resulting wind climate will have the same number of sectors as the input binned wind climate, except when nsecs is specified with a different number of sectors than in the bwc. The number of wind speed bins in the output wind climate is determined automatically and the number is increased automatically if the wind speeds in the histogram exceed that maximum number of bins. The bin width in the output histogram is constant and control by the bin_width argument. """ # TODO add error when bwc and input_site_effects are not for the same coordinates if conf is None: conf = Config()"Starting generalize function.") # Make sure no missing values exists in wsfreq and wdfreq if np.isnan(np.mean(bwc.wsfreq.values)): raise ValueError("Missing values in bwc!") input_site_effects = wksp.spatial_stack(input_site_effects) input_site_effects = input_site_effects.transpose("sector", "point") output_site_effects = wksp.spatial_stack(output_site_effects) output_site_effects = output_site_effects.transpose("sector", "point") ########################################################################## # We will always work on point objects. This reduces the complexity of the # code paths that we have to deal with throughout this routine. # # NOTE: All reprojected datasets are by default point datasets. ###########################################################################"Converting dataset to point dataset.") bwc_stk = wksp.spatial_stack(bwc, wksp.get_crs(input_site_effects)) bwc_stk = bwc_stk.transpose("wsbin", "sector", "point") if interp_method not in ["given", "nearest"]: raise ValueError( f"Unknown method ({interp_method}). Possible methods are 'given' and 'nearest'." ) not_same_nr_points = ( input_site_effects.sizes["point"] != output_site_effects.sizes["point"] ) if not_same_nr_points and interp_method == "given" and bwc_stk.sizes["point"] > 1: raise ValueError( f"You have to specify a interpolation method if your input and output dataset are not the same ({bwc.sizes['point']} vs. {output_site_effects.sizes['point']})" ) # The meridian_convergence is the angle between the projected map north # and the true geographic north (given by the meridians from pole to pole). # It is defined positive for clockwise rotation. Note that if you are using # the same projection for generalizing and downscaling your histogram you # can leave this parameter to 0.0. if "meridian_convergence" not in bwc_stk.keys(): bwc_stk["meridian_convergence"] = xr.full_like(bwc_stk["point"], 0.0) # We need the latitude for coriolis calcuation up_latitude = wksp.get_latitude(bwc_stk) down_latitude = wksp.get_latitude(output_site_effects) ################################ # get mesoscale climate of site ################################ if input_mesoclimate is None: logger.debug("Get mesoclimate") input_mesoclimate = get_climate_by_config( bwc_stk, conf, interp_method=mesoclimate_interp_method ) if output_mesoclimate is None: output_mesoclimate = get_climate_by_config( output_site_effects, conf, interp_method=mesoclimate_interp_method ) up_mesoclimate = wksp.spatial_stack(input_mesoclimate).transpose("sector", "point") down_mesoclimate = wksp.spatial_stack(output_mesoclimate).transpose( "sector", "point" ) input_site_effects_fort = _prepare_site_effects_vars(input_site_effects) output_site_effects_fort = _prepare_site_effects_vars(output_site_effects) nbins, wsfreq, wdfreq, ierror = FORT_PREDICT_BWC( bwc_stk.west_east, bwc_stk.south_north, bwc_stk.height, output_site_effects.west_east, output_site_effects.south_north, output_site_effects.height, bwc_stk.wsbin, bwc_stk.wsfreq.values, bwc_stk.wdfreq, bwc_stk.meridian_convergence, up_latitude, down_latitude, ngbins, input_site_effects_fort.user_def_speedups, input_site_effects_fort.orographic_speedups, input_site_effects_fort.obstacle_speedups, input_site_effects_fort.roughness_speedups, input_site_effects_fort.user_def_turnings, input_site_effects_fort.orographic_turnings, input_site_effects_fort.obstacle_turnings, input_site_effects_fort.roughness_turnings, input_site_effects_fort.z0meso, input_site_effects_fort.slfmeso, ( input_site_effects_fort.displ + input_site_effects_fort.flow_sep_height ).transpose("sector", "point"), output_site_effects_fort.user_def_speedups, output_site_effects_fort.orographic_speedups, output_site_effects_fort.obstacle_speedups, output_site_effects_fort.roughness_speedups, output_site_effects_fort.user_def_turnings, output_site_effects_fort.orographic_turnings, output_site_effects_fort.obstacle_turnings, output_site_effects_fort.roughness_turnings, output_site_effects_fort.z0meso, output_site_effects_fort.slfmeso, ( output_site_effects_fort.displ + output_site_effects_fort.flow_sep_height ).transpose("sector", "point"), up_mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_land, up_mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_land, up_mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_sea, up_mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_sea, up_mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_land, up_mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_sea, up_mesoclimate.mean_dgdz, up_mesoclimate.mean_dgdz_dir, down_mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_land, down_mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_land, down_mesoclimate.mean_temp_scale_sea, down_mesoclimate.rms_temp_scale_sea, down_mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_land, down_mesoclimate.mean_pblh_scale_sea, down_mesoclimate.mean_dgdz, down_mesoclimate.mean_dgdz_dir, InterpMethod[interp_method].value, bin_width, conf.climate.param, ) _handle_fort_errors(ierror) ############################################### # Build output dataset from result data arrays ###############################################"Build output dataset.") bwc = wksp.create_dataset( output_site_effects.west_east, output_site_effects.south_north, output_site_effects.height, wksp.get_crs(output_site_effects), struct="point", ).drop_vars("output") bwc.coords["sector"] = wk.sector.create_sector_coords( output_site_effects.sector.size ).coords["sector"] bwc.coords["wsbin"] = wk.sector.create_ws_bin_coords(bin_width, nbins).coords[ "wsbin" ] bwc["wsfreq"] = ( ("wsbin", "sector", "point"), wsfreq[0:nbins, :, :], _BWC_ATTRS["wsfreq"], ) bwc["wdfreq"] = (("sector", "point"), wdfreq, _BWC_ATTRS["wdfreq"]) # due to numerical noise we can have negative frequencies, we set these to zero if (bwc["wsfreq"] < 0).any(): bwc["wsfreq"] = bwc["wsfreq"].where(bwc["wsfreq"] >= 0, 0.0) bwc = _format_wc_output(bwc, output_site_effects, return_site_factors, add_met) logger.debug("Returning binned wind climate") return update_history(bwc)