
pywasp.wasp.predict_bwc_from_site_effects(bwc, input_site_effects, output_site_effects, conf=None, interp_method='given', input_mesoclimate=None, output_mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method='nearest', return_site_factors=False, add_met=True, bin_width=1.0, ngbins=500)[source]

Creates a generalized wind climate using atlas_nt


This function is experimental and its signature may change.

  • bwc (xarray.Dataset) – PyWAsP xr.Dataset containing wind climate to be generalized

  • topo_map (TopographyMap) – Topographical map covering the area represented by the bwc

  • output_locs (xarray.Dataset) – Windkit spatial structure with output locations

  • conf (Config) – PyWAsP configuration object

  • interp_method ({'given', 'nearest'}) – Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default ‘given’. This requires the input points to be the same as the output points. ‘nearest’ uses nearest neighbour lookup for each output point.

  • input_mesoclimate (xarray.Dataset, default None) – If None use the ERA5 reanalysis to obtain the mesoclimate, otherwise one can create a dataset using the pw.wasp.get_climate() method

  • output_mesoclimate (xarray.Dataset, default None) – If None use the ERA5 reanalysis to obtain the mesoclimate, otherwise one can create a dataset using the pw.wasp.get_climate() method

  • mesoclimate_interp_method (str, optional) – Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default ‘linear’

  • return_site_factors (bool, optional) – If True, return site factors along with the wind climate data

  • add_met (bool, optional) – If True, add meteorological fields to the wind climate data

  • bin_width (float, default 1.0) – bin width in the output histogram.

  • ngbins (int) – Number of bins in geostrophic wind climate. The maximum geostrophic wind is found from the input histogram and ngbins are created between 0 and that value.


bwc (xarray.Dataset) – PyWAsP binned wind climate for the locations provided in output_site_effects


This function takes binned wind climates and predicts binned wind climates at other locations by first generalizing the input binned wind climate from local site effects (input_site_effects) using the WAsP methodology and then dowscaling at other locations with provided local site effects (output_site_effects).

The resulting wind climate will have the same number of sectors as the input binned wind climate, except when nsecs is specified with a different number of sectors than in the bwc. The number of wind speed bins in the output wind climate is determined automatically and the number is increased automatically if the wind speeds in the histogram exceed that maximum number of bins. The bin width in the output histogram is constant and control by the bin_width argument.