
pywasp.wasp.get_site_effects_cfd(cfd_files, output_locs, conf=None, nsecs=None)[source]

Calculate speedups at all points provided


This function is experimental and its signature may change.

  • cfdres (xarray.Dataset or list of xarray.Dataset) – xarray dataset with CFD volume information according to the PyWAsP standard (south_north, west_east, height). If the sector coordinates are also provided it will use those for generating the site effects. If a list of xarray.Datasets it will loop over the CFD volumes using the results from whatever file comes first in the list.

  • output_locs (xarray.Dataset) – xarray dataset with location information according to the PyWAsP standard (south_north, west_east, height). If the sector coordinates are also provided it will use those for generating the site effects.

  • conf (Config) – Configuration information from WAsP

  • nsecs (optional int) – Number of sectors used for creating the roses

