API Reference
This page provides an auto-generated summary of pywasps’s API. For more details and examples, refer to the relevant chapters in the main part of the documentation.
Configuration modules for working with WAsP. |
Configuration class for the WAsP model parameters |
Class for topography maps |
Calculate speedups at all points provided |
Set generalized lib heights automatically |
Set generalized lib roughness lengths automatically |
Predict a weibull wind climate from a binned wind climate using a topography map |
Predict a weibull wind climate from a binned wind climate using precalculated site effects |
Predict a binned wind climate from a binned wind climate using a topography map for given output locations |
Creates a generalized wind climate using atlas_nt |
Calculate site_effects, downscaled wind climate, and meteorlogical fields in a single step |
Downscale a generalized wind climate using precalculated site effects |
Downscale a geostrophic wind climate using precalculated site effects |
Downscale a geostrophic wind climate using precalculated site effects |
Generalizes the wind climate using either the BZ model or a CFD volume. |
Creates a generalized wind climate using atlas_nt |
Creates a generalized wind climate using atlas_nt |
Add additional fields to a weibull wind climate object |
Get the probabilities for all speed bins |
Converts a PyWAsP WTG to a PyWake WTG |
Calculate annual energy production (AEP), using the WAsP core Fortran implementation, from Weibull wind climate(s) and Wind Turbine Generator(s) or WindTurbines object. |
Calculate Potential Annual Energy Production using wind farm effects from PyWake. |
Generate a flow map around a wind farm using py_wake for wake and blockage effects. |
Calculate the air density at a given location from reanalysis data |
Add timeseries to histogram |
Resamples a histogram to different sector or wind speed bin structure. |
Resamples a histogram to different sector structure. |
Resamples a histogram to different wind speed bin structure. |
Calculate temperature scale |
Add timeseries to existing histogram |
Spatially interpolate GWC data to a grid of locations. |
Get climatological parameters interpolated to the output locations |
Get climatological parameters for specified positions and a given config object. |
Returns sectorwise Weibull parameters using WAsP's fitting algorithm |
pywasp Input/Output routines |
Stores a roughness or elevation map in a raster format usable by WAsP routines. |
Convert raster map to vector map |
Convert raster to WaspRasterMap expected for WAsP fortran routines. |
Converts a geopandas.GeoDataFrame vectormap object to a xarray.DataArray rastermap object. |
Creates a WaspVectorMap object from a geodataframe. |
Routines for running LINCOM and calculating shear exponent |
Calculates a fetchmap for a given domain and wind |
Convert a roughness map to a landmask map |
FourierSpace object |
Interpolate GEWC file |
Reads grid from raster file |
Convert a WAsP RasterMap object to a Lincom Gridmap xarray object |
Calculate shear exponent using a linear log-log fit from a number of heights |
Calculate spectral correction factor for model time-series |
Use the Gumbel distribution to find the return wind and uncertainty |
Apply lookup table to Generalized Extreme Wind Atlas |
Run LINCOM to create lookup table for extreme wind estimation |
Creates an xarray object defining the input wind for a LINCOM simulation |
WindLevel object |
Calculate point results from wind level for requested domain |
User configuration
Configuration for pywasp, saved as an ini file |