
pywasp.wasp.generalize_from_site_effects_to_geowc(bwc, site_effects, conf=None, mesoclimate=None, mesoclimate_interp_method='nearest', return_site_factors=True, as_wv_count=True, ngbins=500)[source]

Creates a generalized wind climate using atlas_nt


This function is experimental and its signature may change.

  • bwc (xarray.Dataset) – PyWAsP xr.Dataset containing wind climate to be generalized

  • site_effects (xarray.Dataset) – Site effects dataset

  • conf (Config) – PyWAsP configuration object

  • mesoclimate (xarray.Dataset, default None) – If None use the CFSR reanalysis to obtain the mesoclimate, otherwise one can create a dataset using the pw.wasp.get_climate() method

  • mesoclimate_interp_method (str, optional) – Interpolation method for mesoclimate, by default ‘linear’

  • return_site_factors (bool, optional) – If True, return site factors along with the wind climate data

  • as_wv_count (bool) – return the wind climate as a wv_count object or as a standard binned wind climate

  • ngbins (int, optional) – Number of bins for the wind speed distribution, by default 500


geo_wc (xarray.Dataset) – PyWAsP geostrophic wind climate


Run WAsP to perform the generalization to a geostrophic wind climate. The resulting geostrophic wind climate will have the same dimensions as the input bin_wind climate, except when nsecs is specified with a different number of sectors than in the bwc.