
pywasp.wasp.bwc_resample_wsbins_like(source, target, fit_weibull=True, errors='raise')[source]

Resamples a histogram to different wind speed bin structure.

  • source (xarray.Dataset) – Binned wind climate xr.Dataset object that we want to resample

  • target (xarray.Dataset) – Binned wind climate xr.Dataset object structure that we want to resample to

  • fit_weibull (bool, optional) – Default True, when resampling the histogram find the sectorwise A and k and use these to resample the histogram. If false, use the A and k provided in the dataset instead.

  • errors ({'raise', 'ignore'}, optional) – If ‘raise’ (default), raises a ValueError error if probability mass is transfered beyond the highest wind speed bin. If “ignore”, all points including those that lose probability mass are returned.


xarray.Dataset – Binned Wind Climate