
pywasp.wasp.interpolate_gwc(gwc, out_locs, method='nearest')[source]

Interpolate gwc object to new grid with optional reprojection

  • gwc (xarray.Dataset) – PyWAsP Generalized Wind Climate dataset

  • out_locs (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset with at least west_east, south_north dimensions and a crs coordinate.

  • method (str) – “nearest” for nearest neighbor interpolation

    “natural” for natural neighbor interpolation

    “given” ignores spatial information, validate data has the same spatial size, after both gwc and out_locs have been converted to the point spatial structure. Used most often for cross-predictions, where the gwc and the output have different locations.

    None for a dataset with the same spatial layout of the gwc and out_locs


Dataset – PyWAsP Generalized Wind Climate dataset on new grid