
pywasp.lincom.get_spec_corr_fac(wind_ts, fc=0.8, fh=72, f01=0.6, f02=0.9, auto=False)[source]

Calculate spectral correction factor for model time-series


This function is experimental and its signature may change.

  • wind_ts (xarray.Dataset) – Dataset with wind_speed variable that has (time, height, south_north, and west_east) dimensions.

  • fc (float) – Frequency where to shift from the model spectrum to the extrapolated spectrum

  • fh (float) – Highest sample frequency of the extrapolated spectrum #/day (Default: 72 = 20minutes)

  • f01 (float) – Frequency used to fit a linear relationship to determine slope of the model spectrum

  • f02 (float) – Frequency used to fit a linear relationship to determine slope of the model spectrum

  • auto (bool) – Run the automatic extrapolation identification script? If true, this ignores the fc, f01, and f02 parameters, instead using pre-set values.


out_ds (xarray.Dataset) – PyWAsP xr.Dataset containing spectral correction factors.


This routine fits a spectrum to model time-series, and then uses the 5/3 extrapolation to create a hybrid spectrum that is used to determine the adjustment of the V50 winds due to the missing spectral information.