
pywasp.wasp.generalize_and_downscale(output_locs, bwc, topo_map, generalize_kwargs={'gen_heights': array([10., 50., 250.])}, downscale_kwargs={'genwc_interp': 'nearest'})[source]

Creates a generalized wind climate using atlas_nt, calculate site_effects, downscale wind climate, and add meteorlogical fields in a single step.

  • output_locs (xarray.Dataset) – Pywasp xarray.Dataset containging the output locations.

  • bwc (xarray.Dataset) – PyWAsP xarray.DataSet containing wind climate to be generalized and downscaled

  • topo_map (pywasp.TopographyMap) – Topographical map covering the area represented by the bwc

  • generalize_kwargs (dict) – Additional arguments for the generalize function. If gen_heights is not set, the unique output heights from the output_locs will be used. This will reduce the interpolation error in the downscaling.

  • downscale_kwargs (dict) – Additional arguments for the downscale function.


pwc (xarray.DataSet) – PyWAsP formated xarray.DataSet containing sectorwise A, k, frequency, total A and k at site. Optionally include speedups, rix, elevation and other site_factors, and/or wind speeds, air and power densities.